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Property Sales Project

I recently developed a small property/construction site management project and related property marketing and sales campaigns.

In the project I created some Resources:

ChannelResource: for the management of Sales Channels;

HouseResource: for the management of properties

MarketingResource: for the management of Marketing activities

SaleResource: for Sales management

WorkSite: for the management of construction sites

I set up a navigation menu by grouping the items. Below I report the settings made within the class ChannelResource: the menu item Channel is grouped in Marketing, with icon globe-alt, labels Canali and fifth in the order of navigation menu items.

protected static ?string $model = Channel::class; protected static ?string $navigationGroup = 'Marketing'; protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-globe-alt'; protected static ?string $navigationLabel = 'Canali'; protected static ?int $navigationSort = 5;


In the Property Management Form we used different types of information:

Select: to allow the choice of the construction site of which the property is part, taking advantage of the one-to-many relationship worksite specified in model

Forms\Components\Select::make('worksite_id') ->label('Cantiere') ->relationship('worksite', 'name') ->required(),

TextInput: to allow setting the property code, mandatory entry, Code label, and maximum length 15 characters

Forms\Components\TextInput::make('code') ->label('Codice') ->required() ->maxLength(15),

Select: so that it is possible to choose the type of property between apartment and villa

Forms\Components\Select::make('type') ->label('Tipologia') ->options([ 'appartamento' => 'Appartamento', 'villa' => 'Villa', ]),

FileUpLoad: to allow the uploading of the image of the property, where:

preserveFilenames: to keep the original name of the file

imagePreviewHeight: for definite the size (height) of the image preview

imageResizeTargetWidth e imageResizeTargetHeight: for redefinise the height and width of the uploaded image

Forms\Components\FileUpload::make('attachment') ->image() ->preserveFilenames() ->imageResizeMode('cover') ->imageCropAspectRatio('16:9') ->imageResizeTargetWidth('300') ->imageResizeTargetHeight('150') ->imagePreviewHeight('250') ->loadingIndicatorPosition('left') ->panelAspectRatio('2:1') ->panelLayout('integrated') ->removeUploadedFileButtonPosition('right') ->uploadButtonPosition('left') ->uploadProgressIndicatorPosition('left'),

RichEditor: to allow the field to be loaded followup with the style setting and editing toolbar

Forms\Components\RichEditor::make('followup') ->label('Follow Up') ->maxLength(255),


In the list of loaded items, we used the following methods:

ImageColumn: to view the photo of the property stored in the field attachment

Tables\Columns\ImageColumn::make('attachment') ->label('Foto'),

TextColumn: displaying the price of the property for sale, making the information searchable and orderable

Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('price') ->label('Prezzo') ->searchable() ->sortable(),