A Google Cloud Function that powers GCP Logs Correlator, a Retool app.
Also includes a standalone CLI tool (./correlate_logs.py
) w/ a wrapper script
) for usage without a web UI.
./scripts/venv create
./scripts/venv install-deps -r requirements.txt
./scripts/venv install-deps -r requirements_dev.txt
NOTE: scripts/test
, scripts/dev
, scripts/deploy
, and correlate_logs
are all venv-aware.
# test-specific env vars
# also see ./.buildkite/pipeline.yml
./scripts/test -glv
./scripts/venv destroy
NOTE: requires jq
via Homebrew (brew install jq
Works similarly to the Web UI, iterating until complete.
./correlate_logs ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.json
Show help via ./correlate_logs -h
Run a single query:
# initial step uses a single log entry as the "seed" and outputs a "search state"
./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -l -f ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.json > ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.step1.json
# further steps start from previous state
./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -s -f ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.step1.json > ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.step2.json
Use stdin
to accept search state:
# pipe results to another query
./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -l -f ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.json | ./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -s -i
# read in state from earlier run
./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -s -i < ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.step1.json
Show help via ./.venv3/bin/python ./correlate_logs.py -h
NOTE: correlate_logs.py
is not venv-aware, so explicitly use the venv python or use source .venv3/bin/activate
jq -f ./lib/gcp_logs_find.jq < ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.json
jq -f ./lib/gcp_logs_find.jq < ~/Desktop/downloaded-logs.json | jq -f ./lib/gcp_logs_filter.jq
- reorg code in ./lib/*
- protect REST API w/ proper auth
- ...