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Releases: bkdnOJv2/bkdnOJ-reborn-backend

18TCLCNHAT - Graduation Thesis - Demo

05 Jul 17:02
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This is a pre-release of bkdnOJ v2 to be used as my demo for the Graduation Thesis Defense Ceremony. This version will be included in my report as well, so I will document a release.

What's Changed


  • User Interface:
    • Problem, Submission, Contest functional, but still lacking searching, filtering
    • Organization, Profile usable, but still missing many features.

Staff Interface:

  • User, Judge, Organization, Problem, Contest: full CRUD, with Problem and Contest having functional search/filters, but not fully complete.


  • Resource sharing is functional. You can now share problems, contests to All, to some Organizations, to some Users, or set to Private.
  • Hierarchy Organizations. Organization can have many suborgs. Maximum depth of a org tree allowed is set in bkdnoj/
  • Resource sharing has hierarchy property of the Organizations. User can see resources shared to their orgs and its ancestors. Admin can manage resources shared to their orgs and its descendants.
  • Organize contest, rate contest, make problem, rejudge submissions,... and so on.