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Xcode Analyze

Step changelog

Find flaws and potential bugs in the source code of an app with the static analyzer built into Xcode.


The Step uses the static analyzer built directly into Xcode to analyze your app's source code: the static analyzer tries out thousands of possible code paths in a few seconds, reporting potential bugs that might have remained hidden or bugs that might be nearly impossible to replicate.

This process also identifies areas in your code that don’t follow recommended API usage, such as Foundation, UIKit, and AppKit idioms.

Configuring the Step

In most cases, you don't need to change the Step's configuration. The default input values work well if you added your iOS app on the website, using automatic configuration.

To make sure the Step works well for you:

  1. Make sure the Project (or Workspace) path points to the path of the .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file of your app, relative to the app's root directory.

  2. Make sure the Scheme name input points to a valid shared Xcode scheme. Note that it must be a shared scheme!

  3. Optionally, you can force the Step to use specific code signing identities. To do so, use the Force code signing with Identity and Force code signing with Provisioning Profile inputs.

    For detailed instructions on their use, see the inputs themselves.

Useful links

Related Steps

🧩 Get started

Add this step directly to your workflow in the Bitrise Workflow Editor.

You can also run this step directly with Bitrise CLI.

⚙️ Configuration

Key Description Flags Default
workdir Working directory of the Step. If you leave it empty, the default working directory will be used. $BITRISE_SOURCE_DIR
project_path The path to your app's .xcodeproj or .xcworkspace file, relative to the Step's working directory (if one is specified). required $BITRISE_PROJECT_PATH
scheme The Xcode scheme to use for the analysis. IMPORTANT: The scheme must be marked as shared in Xcode! required $BITRISE_SCHEME
is_clean_build required no
force_code_sign_identity Force the xcodebuild command to use specified code signing identity. Specify a code signing identity as a full ID (for example, iPhone Developer: Bitrise Bot (VV2J4SV8V4)) or specify a code signing group (for example, iPhone Developer or iPhone Distribution).
force_provisioning_profile Force the xcodebuild command to use a specified provisioning profile. You must use the provisioning profile's UUID. The profile's name is NOT accepted by xcodebuild. To get your UUID: - In Xcode select your project -> Build Settings -> Code Signing - Select the desired Provisioning Profile, then scroll down in profile list and click on Other... - The popup will show your profile's UUID. Format example: - c5be4123-1234-4f9d-9843-0d9be985a068
disable_codesign In order to skip code signing, set this option to yes. yes
disable_index_while_building Add COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO flag to the xcodebuild command which will disable the indexing during the build. Indexing is needed for * Autocomplete. * Ability to quickly jump to definition. * Get class and method help by alt clicking. None of the above ar needed in a CI environment. Note: In Xcode you can turn off the Index-WhileBuilding feature by disabling the Enable Index-WhileBuilding Functionality in the Build Settings.
In a CI environment you can disable it by adding COMPILER_INDEX_STORE_ENABLE=NO flag to the xcodebuild command.
cache_level Available options: - none : Disable caching. - swift_packages : Cache Swift PM packages added to the Xcode project. required swift_packages
xcodebuild_options Options added to the end of the xcodebuild call. You can use multiple options, separated by a space character. Example: -xcconfig PATH -verbose
output_tool If the input is set to xcpretty, the xcodebuild output will be prettified by xcpretty. If the input is set to xcodebuild, the raw xcodebuild output will be printed. required xcpretty
output_dir This directory will contain the generated raw-xcodebuild-output.log. required $BITRISE_DEPLOY_DIR
verbose_log Enable verbose logging? required no
Environment Variable Description
BITRISE_XCRESULT_PATH The path of the generated .xcresult.

🙋 Contributing

We welcome pull requests and issues against this repository.

For pull requests, work on your changes in a forked repository and use the Bitrise CLI to run step tests locally.

Note: this step's end-to-end tests (defined in e2e/bitrise.yml) are working with secrets which are intentionally not stored in this repo. External contributors won't be able to run those tests. Don't worry, if you open a PR with your contribution, we will help with running tests and make sure that they pass.

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