A series of practical, step by step tutorials to build apps and dApps on top of Bismuth Crypto framework
Merely a WIP right now, will be advertized when first tuto is ready.
Since Bismuth is a complete from scratch platform, there are some base concepts you need to grab first.
Abstract transactions, Protocols, Private contract, how to interact with BIS.
Full code, assets, and step by step explanations
Minimal approach to pseudonymous account validation, making use of the Bismuth plugins.
Simple example with many variants.
A straighforward use of the BismuthClient python package.
Specs for a PoC dApp demoing the use of offchain secure storage, for a Peer To Peer content distribution network.
Parallel processing code based on asyncio for generating JSON files to monitor hypernodes.
These tutorials and code snippets are (c) the Bismuth Foundation and their respective author.
They are released under a MIT licence. In a nutshell, you can do what you want with it provided you keep this notice intact and hold no responsability against the authors.