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A Python variant calling and quality control pipeline (from fastq files to VCF), powered by Luigi.

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Use Cases

  • Make sure the luigi server is running: ps -ef | grep luigid. If not:
luigid --pidfile ~/.luigi.pidfile --state-path ~/.luigid/statefile --log ~/.luigi/log --background

Ion Torrent panel data from BAMs

The BAMs we are receiving now are from a thyroid cancer panel and have contigs named chr1. The pipeline as of February 2019 reheaders the BAMs to make the contigs have names like 1, which match the reference genome files we already use.

  • Set the directories like below:
|—— sequencing_data.yml
|__ resources.yml
|—— Sample1
|   |—— Sample1.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample1.R2.fastq.gz
|—— Sample2
|   |—— Sample2.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample2.R2.fastq.gz
  • Set the sequencing_data.yml configuration file:
  ion: true
  external_sample_name: IonXpress_001
  ion: true
  external_sample_name: IonXpress_002
  • Set this run Ion-Run-1/resources.yml. The resources_dir should point to the directory where all paip resources live, independently of this Ion run.
resources_dir: /path/to/paip_resources

error_motifs_file: ionTorrent_files/ampliseqexome_germline_p1_hiq_motifset.txt
parameters_file: ionTorrent_files/ampliseq_somatic_lowstringency_pgm_parameters.json
region_bed: rel_path/to/ion-panel-regions.bed
  • Run paip! Set as many workers as samples (ideally), if your cluster resources allow it.
# paip GenerateReportsCohort --workers 10

# As of February 2018, we are delivering CSVs from the with_filters.vcf
# per sample, so we run:

paip ExtractSampleCohort --workers 10

Illumina panel data from FASTQs

  • Set the run directory:
|—— sequencing_data.yml
|__ resources.yml
|—— Sample1
|   |—— Sample1.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample1.R2.fastq.gz
|—— Sample2
|   |—— Sample2.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample2.R2.fastq.gz
# resources.yml
resources_dir: /path/to/paip_resources

panel_regions: Panel-Name.amplicons.g37.bed
panel_file_for_coverage_report: Panel-Name.merged_amplicons_for_DiagnoseTargets.g37.csv

# sequencing_data.yml
  library_id: LIB1
  platform: ILLLUMINA
  flowcell_id: 00000000-G1PLL
  lane_number: 1
  • Make sure the panel_regions variable is correctly set to the intended panel in Sequencing1/resources.yml

  • cd to the sequencing directory and run the variant calling. This will take some time, maybe hours, depending on the number of samples:

paip VariantCalling --pipeline-type variant_sites --min-dp 20 --min-gq 40 --workers 2 && paip QualityControl --pipeline-type variant_sites --min-dp 20 --min-gq 40 --workers 4
  • Check that the variant calling went well with a quick look at <Cohort>.coverage_report.html and <Cohort>.multiqc_report.html.

  • If the calling looks OK, proceed to annotate and report:

paip AnnotateVariants --cache mysql --http-proxy 'socks5://caladan.local:9050' && paip GenerateReportsCohort --min-reportable-category CONFL --workers 4 && paip TakeIGVSnapshotsCohort --workers 4 --min-reportable-category CONFL
  • The data for each sample is at <Cohort>/<Sample>/report_<Sample>/report_data__threshold_CONFL.json. Upload that file to PanelsApp to generate a PDF report.

  • If you want to run the reports generation with different threshold, do it (e.g. change LPAT for CONFL in the last GenerateReportsCohort command and TakeIGVSnapshotsCohort, and run both). There will be a new json file alongside the previous one, with the corresponding filename (e.g. report_data__threshold_LPAT.json), and new IGV snapshots in a different directory.

Exome data



# Java for the pipeline applications that need it
sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk

# Xvfb for the IGV control
sudo apt install xvfb

Python and some libraries

You need a working Python 3.5 or greater installation. Anaconda is an easy way to get it.

Then you can install paip:

git clone [email protected]:biocodices/paip.git
cd paip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install  # This will make the paip command available

You also need to clone and install these packages:

git clone [email protected]:biocodices/vcf_to_dataframe.git
cd vcf_to_dataframe
python install

git clone [email protected]:biocodices/anotala.git
cd anotala
python install

# Now you should be able to run paip
paip --help


Grab the software in paip/software and install it in your system (the instructions vary for each program, check their READMEs). These are the programs that will be used during the pipeline.

SnpEff and VEP need some special steps to prepare local annotation databases. I will use ~/paip_resources as the resources folder throught this guide, but you can choose any other path:

mkdir -p ~/paip_resources/snpeff_data
mkdir -p ~/paip_resources/vep_data

# Download Snpeff human genome database:
java -jar /path/to/snpeff.jar \
    download GRCh37.70 \
    -datadir ~/paip_resources/snpeff_data

# Install VEP:
/path/to/VEP/ \
    -c ~/paip_resources/vep_data \
    -d ~/paip_resources/vep_data \
    -s homo_sapiends_merged \
    -y GRCh37


You also need to download some resources from the web. Browse GATK bundle ftp servers to get the reference genome. For the GRCh37 version, I ran this command:

wget ftp://[email protected]/bundle/2.8/b37/human_g1k_v37.fasta.gz

Warning: the decompressed file will weigh ~3Gb.

Also from GATK servers, get files for known indels:

- 1000 Genomes indels (VCF)
- Mills and 1000 Genomes Gold Standard (VCF)
- dbSNP variants in GRCh37 (VCF)
wget ftp://[email protected]/bundle/2.8/b37/1000G_phase1.indels.b37.vcf.gz
wget ftp://[email protected]/bundle/2.8/b37/Mills_and_1000G_gold_standard.indels.b37.vcf.gz
wget ftp://[email protected]/bundle/2.8/b37/dbsnp_138.b37.vcf.gz

Grab also the Homo sapiens GTF file from Ensembl:


Unzip all the .gz files with a gunzip <filename> command.

Prepare the reference genome fasta for BWA and GATK use, as detailed here. You need the software installed in the previous step for this:

/path/to/bwa index -a bwtsw human_g1k_v37.fasta
/path/to/samtools faidx human_g1k_v37.fasta
java -jar /path/to/picard.jar \
    CreateSequenceDictionary \
    REFERENCE=human_g1k_v37.fasta \

Prepare the SnpEff installation downloading the Homo Sapiens GRCh37 database, and the VEP installation for the same assembly:

# In both cases, choose the path to your resources dir

/path/to/snpeff download GRCh37.75 -v -datadir ~/paip_resources/snpeff_data

/path/to/VEP/ -d ~/paip_resources/vep_data -c ~/paip_resources/vep_data -s homo_sapiends_merged -y GRCh37

Finally, create a fasta file with the adapters to trim from your reads. I got the sequences from Illumina's TruSeq documentation. Make sure you create a valid fasta file ('>ID' in one line, sequence in the next one, repeat)

Settings before running paip

paip will search for its config files in a ~/.paip directory, so create it with mkdir -p ~/.paip. You will also need a directory for the resources. I recommend locating it at ~/paip_resources: mkdir -p ~/paip_resources. Put the resources you downloaded from the web in there.

 |_ resources.yml
 |_ commands.yml
 |_ executables.yml

Create a ~/.paip/resources.yml with the path to the resources directory and the filenames of the resources. Use a comple filepath, no tilde ~. I recommend using the example YAML at example_config/resources.yml as a guide.

Create also the file ~/.paip/executables.yml with paths to every executable needed in the pipeline. Avoid tildes (~) again. You can use example_config/executables.yml as a guide.

You can copy the example_config/commands.yml file to your ~/.paip folder. The exact commands run in each step are specified there, and you might want to tune them for your needs.

Custom configurations for a particular NGS run

You can override any of the settings of the default config files in the base directory of a given cohort:

 |_ resources.yml
 |_ commands.yml
 |_ executables.yml

You don't need to include the three files, just the ones with keys you want to "manually" override. Inside each YAML, you only have to include the keys to be overriden --the rest will be read from the default config files.

NOTE: If you create a resources.yml under your cohort path, make sure you add a resources_dir key in there, even if you repeat the path to the resources directory that you specified in ~/.paip/resources.yml.


Feed paip with the fastq.gz files

Create a directory for a given sequencer run with a subdirectory for each sample. Put the sample fastq.gz files in their sample directory, and a sequencing_data.yml file in the base directory. It will look like this:

|—— sequencing_data.yml
|—— Sample1
|   |—— Sample1.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample1.R2.fastq.gz
|—— Sample2
|   |—— Sample2.R1.fastq.gz
|   |—— Sample2.R2.fastq.gz

You can automatically generate the sequencing_data.yml file from the data present in the fastq.gz reads with this script:

</path/to/paip>/paip/scripts/ --cohort-dir .

The filenames for forward and reverse reads are expected to have this format: <sample_ID>.R1.fastq and <sample_ID>.R2.fastq. It's important that the sample IDs in the filenames are found in the sequencing_data.yml file, whose contents will be something like this:

  platform: Illumina
  platform_unit: K00171
  library_id: Lib-1
  flowcell_id: H3N3NBBXX
  run_number: 46
  lane_numbers_merged: 1 # Something like 1-2 if many lanes for a single sample

  platform: Illumina
  platform_unit: K00171
  library_id: Lib-1
  flowcell_id: H3N3NBBXX
  run_number: 46
  lane_numbers_merged: 1

Most of these data will be used to give a name to the read groups, and later to extract the sample from the multisample VCF.

The data about flowcell_id and lane_number is usually found in the read IDs of the fastq files. Their format is @<instrument>:<run number>:<flowcell ID>:<lane>:<tile>:<x-pos>:<y-pos> <read>:<is filtered>:<control number>:<sample number> --you can find more info about this here.

Only the samples that have an entry in sequencing_data.yml will be considered during the pipeline; any other directories will be ignored.

Variant calling

To run any tasks you need a luigi server running. I use this simple setting:

pip install luigi
# ^ Should already be installed from the pip install -r requirements.txt

mkdir -p ~/.luigi

luigid --pidfile ~/.luigi/pidfile --state-path ~/.luigi/statefile --logdir ~/.luigi/log

You can run it in background mode with --background. Once the server is running, you can call paip from the command line:

paip VariantCalling --basedir /path/to/Sequencing1

The tree of dependencies will be built and the pipeline will start running. You can track its progress from the command line STDOUT or using luigi's' web interface at http://localhost:8082.

There are three --pipeline-type options for the variant calling: variant_sites (default), target_sites, and all_sites. The target_sites option needs a VCF resource file with the exact sites that will be variant called, to be found under the key panel_variants in the resources YAML.

The variant calling can also be run for a subset of the samples by specifying something like --samples Sample1,Sample4,Sample10 in the command line.

Quality control

After the variant calling is done, you can optionally run a quality control over its results:

paip QualityControl --basedir /path/to/Sequencing1

The result of the QC will be an HTML report generated by multiqc.

Running tasks separately

Any task can be run separately. Some of them are sample tasks, like AlignToReferenceAndAddReadGroup, so they need a --sample parameter:

paip AlignToReferenceAndAddReadGroup --sample Sample1 --basedir /path/to/Sequencing1

luigi will take care of the tasks dependencies.

Other tasks are cohort tasks, so they can take a --samples parameter (skip it to run on all present samples):

paip JointGenotyping --samples Sample1,Sample2

You can use paip -h to get a list of the available parameters.

Diagram of the pipeline

A diagram of the ever changing pipeline lives here. It should updated with each change of code, but this might not always be the case :/


A Python variant calling and quality control pipeline (from fastq files to VCF), powered by Luigi.






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