This docker compose spins up the following:
- MongoDB single node replica set
- Kafka Connect
- Kafka Broker
- Kafka Zookeeper
In this example, we will spin up a bare bones MongoDB and Apache Kafka configuration. It will contain a single node replica set MongoDB cluster, Apache Kafka, Apache Kafka Connect (with the MongoDB Connector for Apache Kafka installed), Apache Zookeeper (required by Apache Kafka)
To start the services
docker-compose up -d
Once you have started the service run the following command to enter the shell:
docker exec -it shell /bin/bash
Once you are in the shell run the following command to connect to the replica set:
mongosh mongodb://mongo1:27017/?replicaSet=rs0
Once you connect to the replica set, run these commands in the mongodb shell to
upload a document to the source
collection in the quickstart
use quickstart
After you insert a document, wait 5-10 seconds and run the following command:
You should see a document resembling the following in your output:
{"_id":{"$oid":"60f4a0b1f076371c9182abdb"},"schema":{"optional":false,"type":"string"},"payload":"{\"_id\": {\"_data\": \"8260F4A0AE000000012B022C0100296E5A1004F4C4647110574987AB690F0A1FD09B0046645F6964006460F4A0AEB9CA02DFBEF95FC80004\"}, \"operationType\": \"insert\", \"clusterTime\": {\"$timestamp\": {\"t\": 1626644654, \"i\": 1}}, \"fullDocument\": {\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"60f4a0aeb9ca02dfbef95fc8\"}, \"hello\": \"kafka\"}, \"ns\": {\"db\": \"quickstart\", \"coll\": \"source\"}, \"documentKey\": {\"_id\": {\"$oid\": \"60f4a0aeb9ca02dfbef95fc8\"}}}"}
This is a pretty hard to read format. To configure the connector to a format our output connector delete the current connector configuration and upload a new one using these commands:
curl -X DELETE http://connect:8083/connectors/mongo-sink
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data @sink-connector-cdc.json http://connect:8083/connectors -w "\n"
Now go into mongo db an insert another document:
use quickstart
Now run the following command:
You should see a document resembling the following:
{"_id":{"$oid":"60f4d4af6e615c38a77c59c6"},"welcome": "kafka"}
To stop the process you can use "Control-C" or docker-compose down -v