VirtAnalyzer is implemented as an IDAPython script. It recovers virtual inheritance tree from a C++ binary.
The binary to be analyzed must first be loaded onto IDAPro. Then recover_virtual_inheritance_<itanium/msvc>.py can be executed by doing one of the following:
Execute runscript('recover_virtual_inheritance_<itanium/msvc>.py')
from IDAPro console. This should be full path to the script.
Go to File -> Script file... and select recover_virtual_inheritance_<itanium/msvc>.py
Note: By default, recover_virtual_inheritance_<itanium/msvc>.py is set for 64-bit binaries. To make it work for a 32-bit binary, set the global variable DWORD_SIZE
to 4.
The binaries folder consist of two zip files, one contains Itanium ABI binaries and the other contains MSVC binaries. The Itanium ABI binaries are C++ binaries compiled with GCC 7.3.0. The MSVC binaries are dlls recovered from a Windows 10 computer. The Itanium ABI zip file contains only 64-bit binaries, while the MSVC ABI zip file contains both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries.