Binary Debloating of ELF binaries
We are in the process of refactoring, additional patches are coming soon.
- python 2.7+ and python 3
- IDApro 7.2+
- Create a directory for binaries and analysis files.
mkdir data
cd data
cp <program> .
Collect dependent binaries using
../source/ <program>
For binaries that creates new processes, collect fork and exec targets and symbol binding information on a desired training set.
LD_BIND_NOW=1 LD_DEBUG=bindings LD_DEBUG_OUTPUT=<program_name>.syms <program> <workload>
../source/ <program_name>
../source/ <program_name>
These steps will produce pickle files to serialize data for distribution between different steps.
Use IDApro to analyze binaries
../source/ <program_name>
Generate complete graph for a binary .
- Link all graphs together and create a list of retained code
../source/ <program_name>
../source/ <bindings_file>
The new fragment is located in ../result
patchelf --set-rpath <full_path> <program_name>