Unbiased, Verified, Analyzed News.
Learn more here: https://devpost.com/software/cleannews
- Now, more than ever, low quality news and misinformation is a problem
- Large amounts of political distress and unrest within India (the selected country for this demo)
- Many media outlets are either state sponsored with high biases or extremely critical
- Other issues include hate speech, clickbait, and fake news
- We want to eliminate these issues while maintaining a usable news experience
- Combination of clean and informative
- Title, News Source, Date, Summary, Image
- Probabilities of fake news, excessive bias, and clickbait
- Detailed sentiment analysis
- Keywords
- First we pull our news articles using the Azure News API
- Articles written by India-based publications are prioritized over articles from foreign countries about India
- All articles + their content are analyzed by our ranking and filtering algorithms
- Finally, our Pug frontend dynamically modifies our page based on our analysis and content changes
- We first calculate the fake news(h), excessive bias(b), and clickbait(c) probabilities using pretrained models and our hate speech index(o) using Tensorflow
- Then we use a weighted mean to derive our rankings of our news articles
- Sentiment analysis is run using Azure on all article content to help contextualize articles to users
- ML-based article similarity detection using Tensorflow to bring diverse views and articles to the user’s fingertips
- Any articles where all three key probabilities are greater than 50% are flagged as low-quality and removed
- All other articles have their Windows indicators updated accordingly based on their statistics