View ZooKeeper znode tree in a browser
zooterrain is a small server every WebSocket-capable browser is able to connect to. It will display all the znodes from a running ZooKeeper ensemble. As znodes are deleted or new ones are created, this will be visualized in the browser.
- Display changes to the tree as they happen (new, removed nodes)
- Display changes to the data of each node
- Filter nodes by name
- Ignore nodes (and their children)
- Watch nodes
- Display a node's attached data, also as a hex dump
git clone the repository and run Maven
mvn install
In order for zooterrain to connect to a ZooKeeper, you need to know the address of one ZooKeeper instance you want to track, which typically looks much like this:
and then start the application the by running
java -cp target/zooterrain-full.jar -Dzooterrain.conn=${ZOOKEEPER_HOST_PORT} com.brainlounge.zooterrain.netty.WebSocketServer 8080
Be sure to always replace ${ZOOKEEPER_HOST_PORT} with your ZooKeeper address. or simply:
java -Dzooterrain.conn=${ZOOKEEPER_HOST_PORT} -jar target/zooterrain-full.jar
Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/ You can run the server on other ports by changing the last parameter (here: 8080) in the java command line.