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Run mock services to explore a service mesh

Istio helps with meshing services on Kubernetes. This tiny project provides a mock service called mockserver you can deploy multiple times to test it out. Using mockserver, you can create cascades of service calls easily just by typing an URL. The server is bundles as a Docker Container as brainlounge/servicemock.


You should have basic understanding of the following technologies:

  • Kubernetes incl. using kubectl, deploying pods, services, proxying service ports
  • Setting up a Kubernetes cluster (Minikube, ECS, GKE etc.)
  • Docker (run containers, configure port forwards, kill containers)
  • Shell (run commands, terminate processes, put processes to background, use cURL, use sed, optionally have watch installed)
  • (optional) run a Go program, build etc.

Build from scratch

Please skip this section, if you simply want to run the mock service only on Kubernetes and Istio, and don't want to build the service nor run it locally.

Run locally (no Docker, no Kubernetes)

After cloning this git repo, the service can be run locally:

export GOPATH=`pwd` (optional for recent Go versions)

go run src/mockserver.go -listenAddress localhost:8080

To demonstrate the service mesh aspect, the service can be started multiple times. Locally, you can run multiple service instances by changing the listen port number:

go run src/mockserver.go -listenAddress localhost:8081

go run src/mockserver.go -listenAddress localhost:8082

Build container image

GOOS=linux go build -tags netgo -ldflags "-extldflags '-std++ -lm -static'" src/mockserver.go

mv mockserver docker/

sudo docker build docker -t brainlounge/servicemock:latest -t brainlounge/servicemock:rev-$(git rev-parse HEAD) -t$(git rev-parse HEAD)

Push to remote repository

Push to remote private container repo (GCP version)

sudo gcloud docker -- push

Push to remote public container repo

docker push brainlounge/servicemock

Run Docker images locally

The container image can run directly:

docker run -ti -p8089:8080 brainlounge/servicemock

The service is exposed locally on port 8089. it will be fetched from Docker Hub, if not already present.

Mocking a Service Mesh on Kubernetes and Istio

Now we get to the interesting part. It shows how to create a set of services and call them.

Acquire a Kubernetes cluster on Google Cloud

Launching cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine, but any Kubernetes cluster is sufficient.

In the following code we use mock-1 as cluster and as namespace name, please replace with any cooler name you can come up with.

On GKE, when the cluster is ready, fetch credentials, which utilizes the gcloud command line tool

gcloud container clusters get-credentials mock-1 --region europe-west3-b (assuming cluster running in europe, your's might vary)

Grant local user full cluster access on the cluster:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=$(gcloud config get-value core/account)

Deploy Istio

Download and install Istio.

After extraction, change into the Istio base directory you just created, then deploy Istio into your Kubernetes cluster:

cd install/kubernetes

kubectl apply -f istio-demo.yaml

Wait for Istio to come up, it can take a while:

watch -n 0.5 kubectl -n istio-system get po,svc (cancel this view with control-c)

Expose the Grafana tool, which is part of the Istio deployment

kubectl port-forward --namespace istio-system $(kubectl get pod --namespace istio-system --selector="app=grafana" --output jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8091:3000 &

Expose the Service Graph, which is also part of this Istio deployment:

kubectl port-forward --namespace istio-system $(kubectl get pod --namespace istio-system --selector="app=servicegraph" --output jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8092:8088 &

These tools should now be available in your local browser via http://localhost:8091 or http://localhost:8092/force/forcegraph.html respectively.

Both are interesting later when services get called.

Prepare Kubernetes namespace

It's always a good idea to isolate units of work into separate namespaces.

Create mock env within kubernetes aka new namespace:

kubectl create namespace mock-1

Make new namespace current, so we can omit explicit --namespace parameters for commands from now on.

kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace mock-1

Create the mock services you need

mock-service-pod.yaml is a template for creating any number of services. All those services differ in name only, their runtime is exactly the same container. This way, they are actually distinct deployments and can be addressed by other services by name. They can then be meshed together.

sed 's/${istiomock}/service1/' kubernetes/mock-service-pod.yaml >kubernetes/service1-deployment.yaml

Repeat the above for more services, replace "service1" (2 times) in the above command line with the name of your service.

Of course, you can adopt some parametrization in this file like the number of replicas.

Make them Istio-ready

Services handled by Istio require special preparation. Therefore, for every service yaml created in the previous step, run kube-inject:

istioctl kube-inject -f kubernetes/service1-deployment.yaml >kubernetes/service1-deployment-with-sidecar.yaml

Deploy mock service + pods

Now it's finally time to let the services loose on the cluster:

kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service1-deployment-with-sidecar.yaml

(!) Repeat this line for every service. You should see the services initialize after some time.

You can watch this on the command line like this (needs installation of watch package):

watch -n 0.5 kubectl get po,svc

Make entry service accessible from outside

To reach the services, at least one of them must be made available using a local port forward like this (example for namespace mock-1, service name service1):

kubectl port-forward --namespace mock-1 $(kubectl get pod --namespace mock-1 --selector="app=service1" --output jsonpath='{.items[0]}') 8080:8080

curl localhost:8080/

should now return


Calling the Mesh of Services

Services can now be called chained, in parallel or in sequence. Services can even call themselves. Every reachable service can be used as a starting point. For the sake of simplicity, we assume the starting point is always reached at localhost:8080 but it can be any other address where a mockserver is listening.

All calls are made using GET requests.

Basics of calling services in sequence and in parallel

URL effect
http://localhost:8080/service/calls/@service3/ first service (reached at localhost:8080) is called, but nothing else happens (reason: no '@' directly after 'localhost:8080/'
http://localhost:8080/@service1/the-end first service is called, which then calls 'service1' with URI '/the-end'.
http://localhost:8080/@service1:8081/the-end first service is called, which then calls 'service1' on port 8081, with URI '/the-end'.
http://localhost:8080/@service1/@service2/@service3/ call chain: localhost -> service1 -> service2 -> service3 (all using port 8080)
http://localhost:8080/@service1/service2 call chain: localhost -> service1 (no '@' before 'service2'
http://localhost:8080/@service1,service2/uri-reuse/ service at localhost calls first service1, then service2, both with URI /uri-reuse/
http://localhost:8080/@service1|service2/uri-reuse/ service at localhost calls service1 and service2 in parallel, both with URI /uri-reuse/
http://localhost:8080/@service1|service2/@service3|service4/uri/ service at localhost calls service1 and service2 in parallel, both call service3 and service4 in parallel

Adding custom headers

Custom headers can be added to each call using the syntax [name=value]. Multiple headers can be added by repeating this expression as needed: [name1=value1][name2=value2]. The header expression needs to follow directly the service name (or port).

Note: Currently, header names and values must not contain any of the characters /, | or ,. This is a known limitation and unfortunately prohibits HTTP headers like accept: image/jpg.

URL effect
http://localhost:8080/@service1[name1=value1]/@service2[name2=value2]/ service at localhost calls first service1 at port 8080 with added Header name1: value1, then service1 itself calls service2 at port 8080 with added Header name2: value2
http://localhost:8080/@service1/@service2:8081[name2=value2][name3=value3]/ service at localhost calls first service1 with adding custom headers, then service1 itself calls service2 at port 8081 with added Headers name2: value2 and name3: value3

Take it away, Istio..

Services behavior can be controlled and configured using Istio. We built the services, now we can alter their behavior using Istio. Have fun!


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