Created by: brbernas
Creation date: 10-15-23
IDE: VSCode, Jupyter
Chat/LLM: ChatOpenAI
Rationale: Use 100% JSON inputs & outputs to create Etsy titles for niche t-shirt designs.
Performance summary: Zero-shot Langchain code that reads-in a JSON API token, a JSON zero-shot chat template & JSON inputs.
This model accepts two inputs, calls the ChatOpenAI API, and sends back one output.
After chat processing, output results are written to a JSON file.
To customize:
- Copy files to a common directory.
- In your JSON/IDE editor:
- load 'OPENAI_API_KEY.JSON' > apply OpenAI API key > save & close
- load 'langchain_chatAPI_zero_shot_JSON_method_gh' > set file_folder variable > save & close
- load 'title_zero_shot_prompt.json' > customize "template" statement > save & close
- load 'zero_shot_prompt_input.json' > customize JSON inputs > save and close
- output file should be overwritten when notebook is run
- Load notebook and run all cells in order.
- View output to check chat completion.