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How to use the debugging GUI

Nir Levin edited this page Feb 2, 2020 · 6 revisions

Dataflow image should be here

In order to start up the visualizer, run the command python3 [ --data <datasource> ] --algorithm <algorithm_path>. If no is specified, it will default to the webcam.

Example: python3 --data ../datasets/video.mp4 --algorithm ../tasks/Gate/

Every algorithm module should include a class that extends TaskPerceiver, and in turn, implements the analyze(frame, debug) function. frame is of type numpy.ndarray (an image) and debug is of type boolean. If debug is True, the function should return a list of intermediate frames which the debugging GUI will display. Otherwise, the function should return only information useful to the ROS dataflow.

The Algorithm ROS Wrapper box represents a ROS node.

Perception Subteam Intro Project

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