- Organization / User update add organization to user or add user to organization
board = Board::Client.new('YOUR_API_KEY_HERE')
All methods named search return search object that support a few elements of convenience. Each search API returns a similar format and supports similar options.
search.results # current page of results
search.each_result { |result| p result } # iterate through all pages of results
search.total # total number of results
search.page # current page number
# should this mimic candidate search with keywords?
board.users.search(:email => "[email protected]")
# should this just be a special method?
board.users.find(42) # by id
board.users.find(:email => "[email protected]")
board.users.find(:email_md5 => "asdfasdf")
user = board.users.create(:email => "[email protected]",
:first_name => "Bob",
:last_name => "Smith")
user.email # => "[email protected]"
user.first_name # => "Bob"
user.last_name # => "Smith"
user.id # => 42
board.organizations.search(:name => "Nike")
organization = board.organizations.create(:name => "Nike"
:url => "http://nike.com")
organization.name # => "Nike"
organization.url # => "http://nike.com"
organization.id # => 9
board.organizations.add_user(:organization_id => organization.id, :user_id => 42)
board.candidates.search(:keywords => "ruby",
:distance => 50,
:location => "Cincinnati, OH")
invitation = client.candidates.invitation(:first_name => "Michael",
:last_name => "Jordan",
:email => "[email protected]")
invitation.url # => "https://board.recruitmilitary.com/invitations/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
invitation.first_name # => "Michael"
invitation.last_name # => "Jordan"
invitation.email # => "[email protected]"
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- Make your feature addition or bug fix.
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- Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright (c) 2011 Michael Guterl. See LICENSE for details