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Another BBCode Helper
I wanted a bbCode helper similar to the original smiley helper (wich is so usefull) but i couldn't find it. This is my first Ignited code and i hope it will help someone. Remarks are welcome on the forum topic.
This helper can actualy :
- Generate a javascript function needed to insert bbCodes into a form field
- Parse bbCode
- Clear bbCode tags
- Generate an array of bbCode buttons that can be clicked to be inserted
[code]<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed'); /**
- CodeIgniter
- An open source application development framework for PHP 4.3.2 or newer
- @package CodeIgniter
- @author Rick Ellis
- @copyright Copyright (c) 2006, EllisLab, Inc.
- @license http://www.codeignitor.com/user_guide/license.html
- @link http://www.codeigniter.com
- @since Version 1.0
- @filesource */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CodeIgniter bbCode Helpers
- @package CodeIgniter
- @subpackage Helpers
- @category Helpers
- @author Santoni Jean-André */
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- JS Insert bbCode
- Generates the javascrip function needed to insert bbcodes into a form field
- @access public
- @param string form name
- @param string field name
- @return string */
function js_insert_bbcode($form_name = '', $form_field = '') { ?> <script type="text/javascript"> function insert_bbcode(bbopen, bbclose) { var input = window.document.<?=$form_name.'.'.$form_field; ?>; input.focus();
/* for Internet Explorer )*/
if(typeof document.selection != 'undefined')
var range = document.selection.createRange();
var insText = range.text;
range.text = bbopen + insText + bbclose;
range = document.selection.createRange();
if (insText.length == 0)
range.move('character', -bbclose.length);
range.moveStart('character', bbopen.length + insText.length + bbclose.length);
/* for newer browsers like Firefox */
else if(typeof input.selectionStart != 'undefined')
var start = input.selectionStart;
var end = input.selectionEnd;
var insText = input.value.substring(start, end);
input.value = input.value.substr(0, start) + bbopen + insText + bbclose + input.value.substr(end);
var pos;
if (insText.length == 0)
pos = start + bbopen.length;
pos = start + bbopen.length + insText.length + bbclose.length;
input.selectionStart = pos;
input.selectionEnd = pos;
/* for other browsers like Netscape... */
var pos;
var re = new RegExp('^[0-9]{0,3}$');
pos = prompt("insertion (0.." + input.value.length + "):", "0");
if(pos > input.value.length)
pos = input.value.length;
var insText = prompt("Please tape your text");
input.value = input.value.substr(0, pos) + bbopen + insText + bbclose + input.value.substr(pos);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parse bbCode
Takes a string as input and replace bbCode by (x)HTML tags
@access public
@param string the text to be parsed
@return string
function parse_bbcode($t, $bbcode_to_parse = NULL)
if ( ! is_array($bbcode_to_parse))
if (FALSE === ($bbcode_to_parse = _get_bbcode_to_parse_array()))
return FALSE;
foreach ($bbcode_to_parse as $key => $val)
for ($i = 1; $i <= $bbcode_to_parse[$key][3]; $i++) // loop for imbricated tags
if ($bbcode_to_parse[$key][0] == "str")
$t = str_replace($key, $bbcode_to_parse[$key][1], $t);
elseif ($bbcode_to_parse[$key][0] == "ereg")
if (ereg($key, $t))
$t = ereg_replace($key, $bbcode_to_parse[$key][1], $t);
return $t;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clear bbCode
Takes a string as input and remove bbCode tags
@access public
@param string the text to be parsed
@return string
function clear_bbcode($t, $bbcode_to_parse = NULL)
if ( ! is_array($bbcode_to_parse))
if (FALSE === ($bbcode_to_parse = _get_bbcode_to_parse_array()))
return FALSE;
foreach ($bbcode_to_parse as $key => $val)
for ($i = 1; $i <= $bbcode_to_parse[$key][3]; $i++) // loop for imbricated tags
if ($bbcode_to_parse[$key][0] == "str")
$t = str_replace($key, $bbcode_to_parse[$key][2], $t);
elseif ($bbcode_to_parse[$key][0] == "ereg")
if (ereg($key, $t))
$t = ereg_replace($key, $bbcode_to_parse[$key][2], $t);
return $t;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Get bbCode Buttons
- Returns an array of bbcode buttons that can be clicked to be inserted
- into a form field.
- @access public
- @return array */
function get_bbcode_buttons($bbcode = NULL)
if ( ! is_array($bbcode))
if (FALSE === ($bbcode = _get_bbcode_array()))
return $str;
foreach ($bbcode as $key => $val)
$button[] = '<input type="button" class="button" id="'.$key.'" name="'.$key.'" value="'.$key.'" onClick="'.$val.'" />';
return $button;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get bbCode Array
Fetches the config/bbcode.php file
@access private
@return mixed */
function _get_bbcode_array() { if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'config/bbcode'.EXT)) { return FALSE; }include(APPPATH.'config/bbcode'.EXT);
if ( ! isset($bbcode) OR ! is_array($bbcode)) { return FALSE; }
return $bbcode; }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Get bbCode Array for parsing
Fetches the config/bbcode.php file
@access private
@return mixed
function _get_bbcode_to_parse_array()
if ( ! file_exists(APPPATH.'config/bbcode'.EXT))
return FALSE;
if ( ! isset($bbcode_to_parse) OR ! is_array($bbcode_to_parse))
return FALSE;
return $bbcode_to_parse;
And here is the config/bbcode.php file :
[code]<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
/* |
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
This file contains two arrays of bbcode for use with the bbcode helper. |
The first array is for buttons and the second is for parsing. |
| */
$bbcode = array(
// name onClick
"b" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[b]', '[/b]');return(false)",
"i" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[i]', '[/i]');return(false)",
"u" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[u]', '[/u]');return(false)",
"center" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[center]', '[/center]');return(false)",
"right" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[right]', '[/right]');return(false)",
"justify" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[justify]', '[/justify]');return(false)",
"quote" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[q=AUTHOR]', '[/q]');return(false)",
"img" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[img]', '[/img]');return(false)",
"url" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[url=]', '[/url]');return(false)",
"email" => "[removed]insert_bbcode('[email=]', '[/email]');return(false)"
$bbcode_to_parse = array(
// tag type replacement clean loop
"[base_url]" => array("str", base_url(), base_url(), 1),
"[/]" => array("str", "<hr width=\"100%\" size=\"1\" />", "", 1),
"[hr]" => array("str", "<hr width=\"100%\" size=\"1\" />", "", 1),
"[b]" => array("str", "<strong>", "", 1),
"[/b]" => array("str", "</strong>", "", 1),
"[i]" => array("str", "<em>", "", 1),
"[/i]" => array("str", "</em>", "", 1),
"[u]" => array("str", "<u>", "", 1),
"[/u]" => array("str", "</u>", "", 1),
"[center]" => array("str", "<div style=\"text-align: center\">", "", 1),
"[/center]" => array("str", "</div>", "", 1),
"[right]" => array("str", "<div style=\"text-align: right\">", "", 1),
"[/right]" => array("str", "</div>", "", 1),
"[justify]" => array("str", "<div style=\"text-align: justify\">", "", 1),
"[/justify]" => array("str", "</div>", "", 1),
"\[color= ?(([[:alpha:]]+)|(#[[:digit:][:alpha:]]{6})) ?\]" => array("ereg", "<span style=\"color: \\1\">", "", 1),
"[/color]" => array("str", "</span>", "", 1),
"\[size= ?([[:digit:]]+) ?\]" => array("ereg", "<span style=\"font-size: \\1px\">", "", 1),
"[/size]" => array("str", "</span>", "", 1),
"\[email\] ?([^\[]*) ?\[/email\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\1</a>", "(\\1)", 1),
"\[email ?=([^\[]*) ?] ?([^]]*) ?\[/email\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"mailto:\\1\">\\2</a>", "\\2 (\\1)", 1),
"\[img\] ?([^\[]*) ?\[/img\]" => array("ereg", "<img src=\"\\1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />", "", 1),
"\[img ?= ?([^\[]*) ?\]" => array("ereg", "<img src=\"\\1\" alt=\"\" border=\"0\" />", "", 1),
"[list]" => array("str", "<ul>", "\n", 1),
"[/list]" => array("str", "</ul>", "\n", 1),
"[*]" => array("str", "<li>", " - ", 1),
"[/*]" => array("str", "</li>", "\n", 1),
"\[url\] ?([^\[]*) ?\[/url\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", "(\\1)", 1),
"\[url ?=([^\[]*) ?] ?([^]]*) ?\[/url\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", "\\2 (\\1)", 1),
"\[URL\] ?([^\[]*) ?\[/URL\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"\\1\">\\1</a>", "(\\1)", 1),
"\[URL ?=([^\[]*) ?] ?([^]]*) ?\[/URL\]" => array("ereg", "<a href=\"\\1\" target=\"_blank\">\\2</a>", "\\2 (\\1)", 1),
"\[q\] ?([^\[]*) ?\[/q\]" => array("ereg", "<blockquote>\\1</blockquote>", "\"\\1\"", 5),
"\[q ?=([^\[]*) ?] ?([^]]*) ?\[/q\]" => array("ereg", "<blockquote cite=\"\\1\">\\2</blockquote>", "\"\\2\" (\\1)", 5)