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Derek Jones edited this page Jul 5, 2012 · 16 revisions


Well guys, after long... here we go!

CURRENT RELEASED VERSION: FreakAuth_light_1.1 - 2007-07-17

I released FreakAuth_light for all of you to enjoy (hopefully) and testing.

I also included a kinda installation-checkin in the release, so that you can make sure everything is set ok for FreakAuth_light to work, and work safely!

This release will be suitable for not extremely complex applications, where you will need to distinguish among:

  • superadmin (full control of the API)
  • admin (you can let him do what you want)
  • registered users
  • guests

FreakAuth_light includes:


  • login/logout
  • user registration
  • forgotten password
  • change password
  • simple ACL with custom roles/permissions


  • list/detail/add/edit/del admins
  • list(paginated)/detail/add/edit/del users
  • an example on how to implement the backend with other controllers (i.e. blog posts ect.)
  • a kinda advanced CRUD that let's you have custome user profile fields + validation rules in backend


=> the applications uses nice dynamic flash messages!!

Let’s say that FreakAuth_light is much better in terms of performance than Auth that just for a login runs 9 queries! And, more important, more secure!

Test it and post your feedbacks on the official forum!


Q. How do i configure (tweak) freakauth? A. For configuring the system have a look at the file system/application/config/freakauth_light.php (is pretty commented)

Q. How do i customize my views? A. For understanding how to customise your views, open the files in system/application/views/FreakAuth_light/template look at their content and try to understand it.

Q. After installing my home page redirects to freakauth, how do I change this? A. In config/routes.php you can change the default controller

Some links to forum posts on specific problems


FreakAuth-Vanilla integration -an auth lib and a forum engine-


Unstable Updates

Category:Libraries::Authorization Category:Libraries::Authentication


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