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┃ ┗ 📂 project-b
┗ ...
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Copyright 2022 Province of British Columbia
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- id, a unique identifier generated by Prisma
- uid, a randomly generated, 15-character alphanumberic string ending in "uid" used for uniform identification across Matomo and the database tables
- email, the client's email address
- template, the client's randomly assigned treatment group for the trial which specifies the type of email and form to send them in the cron job
template email (cron/templates) form (cron/.env.sample) Meaning Standard long email1 LONG_FORM standard email, link to OES Standard short email1 SHORT_FORM standard email, link to custom form AC long email2 LONG_FORM active choice email, link to OES AC short email2 SHORT_FORM active choice email, link to custom form Past WorkBC Client Email previous LONG_FORM previous client email, link to OES. To be sent at the end of the trial. Control email1 LONG_FORM standard email, link to OES. To be sent one month after the trial.
Note: to send a reminder email, append "reminder" to the end of any "Standard" or "AC" template (and change status back to "pending")
- status, the current state of the email
- pending
- sent
- completed
- failed
- cancelled
- createdAt, a timestamp of when the client was added to the database
- messageId, the identifier of an email sent from the CHES API. Used for querying the email status
- name, the client's first and last name
- catchment, the client's WorkBC catchment
- messageCreatedAt, a timestamp of when the email was sent to the client
- id, a unique identifier generated by Prisma
- uid, a randomly generated, 15-character alphanumberic string ending in "uid" used for uniform identification across Matomo and the database tables
- email, the client's email address
- createdAt, a timestamp of when the client submitted their short form
- action, tracks whether a client takes action to submit their form