Dockerhook is a building component triggered by a docker hub webhook.
The POST request is send to a /:token
URI. The token should be kept secret.
Each token is associated with a script file, stored in the /scripts directory,
as described in the default.json file in the /config directory.
In order to avoid inconsistencies, the scripts cannot run concurrently. The pending POST requests are queued in a waiting queue.
To avoid attacks, the waiting queue has a limited size. The size limit is set in the environment variable process.env.WQUEUE, defaulting to 10. All POST requests exceeding the waiting queue size are rejected with a http 500 status, and lost.
The POST request are answered immediately with a http 204 status (no data returned). No data is returned to the request upon script completion or script error.
node server.js
To run dockerhook as a daemon, it is suggested to use forever :
forever start -l hook.log -o hook.out -e hook.err server.js
Edit default.json
in /config
"scripts": {
"token_1": "./scripts/",
"token_2": "./scripts/"
tokens should be at least 256-bits random keys
The following template is suggested, for logging readability :
#terminal colors
RED=`tput setaf 1`
BLUE=`tput setaf 4`
NC=`tput sgr 0` # Reset default
BLD=`tput bold` # Bold
REV=`tput rev` # Reverse
# Commands used in the script
CLS_CMD1='docker rm -f container'
CLS_CMD2='docker pull owner/image'
CLS_CMD3='docker run --name container -d owner/image'
echo $REV$BLD'---------------------- Begin script ----------------------'$NC$BLD
echo 'Date: '`date`
echo 'Script:'
echo $NC
echo '1 ==> Stop and remove running container'
echo $BLUE
echo $NC
echo '2 ==> Pull updated version of the image from docker hub'
echo $BLUE
echo $NC
echo '3 ==> Run new container'
echo $BLUE
echo $NC
echo $REV$BLD'---------------------- End of script ----------------------'$NC