WARTHOG JANUSHASH MINER Copyright (c) 2023 CoinFuMasterShifu, Pumbaa, Timon & Rafiki
- GPU+CPU Miner for Janushash
- Linux
- gcc11 or newer
- meson
- ninja
- opencl
Note: Ubuntu 20.04 does not meet these requirements.
- Install gcc, meson, ninja: apt install meson ninja-build build-essential
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/CoinFuMasterShifu/janusminer
- cd into the repo:
cd janusminer
- Create build directory:
meson build .
(meson build . --buildtype=release
for better performance) - cd into build directory:
cd build
- [Optional] For old OpenCL headers (like on Ubuntu 20.04):
meson configure -Dopencl-legacy=true
- Compile using ninja:
- Linux
- Docker
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu18 --output build
in the repo directory.
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu20 --output build
in the repo directory.
- Run
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build . -f Dockerfiles/Dockerfile_Ubuntu22 --output build
in the repo directory.
Binaries are located in ./build
- Linux only at the moment
- Compile with meson/ninja
- Run the miner (use some restarter in case it crashes)
- In case you are unsure, things should work exactly as in this Warthog node guide
Parameter | Description |
--help | Help screen. |
-V, --version | Print version and exit. |
-a, --address=WALLETADDRESS |
Specify wallet address to mine on. |
--gpus=STRING | Specify GPUs as comma separated list like "0,2,3". By default all GPUs are used. |
-t, --threads=INT | Number of CPU worker threads, use 0 for hardware concurrency. (default='0') |
-h, --host=STRING | Host (RPC-Node / Pool URL) (default='localhost') |
-p, --port=INT | Port (RPC-Node / Pool PORT) (default='3000') |
-u, --user=STRING | Enable stratum protocol and specify username ( default='') |
--password=STRING | Password (for Stratum) (default='') |
with restarter:
screen -dmS janusminer bash -c "while true; do ~/janusminer-ubuntu22 -a YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -h YOU_NODE_IP -p YOUR_NODE_PORT; done"
without restarter:
screen -dmS janusminer ~/janusminer-ubuntu22 -a YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS -h YOU_NODE_IP -p YOUR_NODE_PORT
To use it you need to select “Custom” miner when you create Flight Sheet and paste the direct link on HiveOS build (e.g. janusminer_hiveos-0.0.1.tgz) from Releases into "Installation URL'".