A simple SIP Registrar to be used with the drachtio SIP middleware server. The server maintains all registered endpoints by domain. Each endpoint is polled using SIP OPTIONS.
const Srf = require( "drachtio-srf" )
const Registrar = require( "babble-drachtio-registrar" )
const config = require( "config" )
const srf = new Srf()
srf.connect( config.drachtio )
srf.on( "connect", ( err, hostport ) => {
console.log( `Connected to a drachtio server listening on: ${hostport}` )
} )
const r = new Registrar( {
"srf": srf,
//"optionsping": 30, /* Seconds between our OPTIONs packet to registered client - controls the stale flag */
"regping": 30, /* Number of seconds we force the client to re-register without requiring reauth - controls the stale flag */
"staletime": 180, /* number of seconds we consider a client stale if we don't hear a response from an OPTIONS or REGISTER ping */
"expires": 3600, /* default expires */
"minexpires": 3600, /* Force the client with 423 to extend expires to this amount - conflicts with regping */
"userlookup": ( username, realm, callback ) => {
realm = realm.split( "." ).reverse().join( "." )
let key = "directory." + realm + "." + username
if( !config.has( key ) ) {
return callback( null, false )
key += ".secret"
return callback( null, config.get( key ) )
} )
r.on( "register", ( reg ) => {
console.log( "register" )
console.log( reg )
} )
r.on( "unregister", ( reg ) => {
console.log( "unregister" )
console.log( reg )
} )
An example config file to be used with this example (config/default.json)
"drachtio": {
"host": "",
"port": 9022,
"secret": "cymru"
"directory": {
"com": {
"babblevoice": {
"bling": {
"1000": { "secret": "<yourpassword>", "display": "Kermit" },
"1001": { "secret": "<yourpassword>", "display": "Piggy" }
Our registrar then makes available registered endpoints.
r.users( "bling.babblevoice.com" )
r.user( "bling.babblevoice.com", "1000" )
// or
r.user( "[email protected]" )
In this example, we create a control web server to expose registration information.
let handlers = { 'PUT': {}, 'POST': {}, 'DELETE': {}, 'GET': {} }
handlers.GET.reg = ( pathparts, req, res, body ) =>
res.writeHead( 200, { "Content-Type": "application/json" } )
if( 1 == pathparts.length ) {
res.write( JSON.stringify( r.realms() ) )
else if( 2 == pathparts.length ){
res.write( JSON.stringify( r.users( pathparts[ 1 ] ) ) )
else if( 3 == pathparts.length ){
res.write( JSON.stringify( r.user( pathparts[ 1 ], pathparts[ 2 ] ) ) )
const httpserver = http.createServer( ( req, res ) =>
let body = ""
req.on( "data", ( chunk ) =>
body += chunk.toString()
} )
req.on( "end", () => {
var urlparts = url.parse( req.url )
/* Remove the leading '/' */
var path = urlparts.path.substr( 1 )
var pathparts = path.split( '/' )
if( req.method in handlers && pathparts[ 0 ] in handlers[ req.method ] )
try {
handlers[ req.method ][ pathparts[ 0 ] ]( pathparts, req, res, body )
catch( err ) {
res.writeHead( 500, { "Content-Type": "application/json" } )
res.write( `{ "error": "${err.message}" }` )
console.log( "Unknown method " + req.method + ":" + url )
res.writeHead( 404, { "Content-Length": "0" } )
} )
} )
httpserver.on( "clientError", ( err, socket ) => {
if ( err.code === "ECONNRESET" || !socket.writable ) {
socket.end( "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request\r\n\r\n" )
} )
httpserver.listen( 9000, "" )