Inspired from Laravel validation.
Dependency free.
If you're building application with ExpressJs and MongoDB then this is definitely something you need to check out. This is a validation tool that you can use in your every day life as The following is also applicable to the whole javascript ecosystem in general
- Installation
- Validation rules
- Usage on CommonJS
- Usage with VueJS
- Usage with Express/MongoDB
- with repository pattern
- Hooks
- Contribute
// with yarn
yarn add @bcdbuddy/validator
// with npm
npm install @bcdbuddy/validator
// typings: This package comes with its own typings so you won't need to install @types/...
- required
- confirmed
- unique
- exists
- required_unless
- required_with
- in_array
- boolean
- greater_than
- lesser_than
- min
- max
- between
- date
- after
- regex
- min_length
- max_length
- between_length
const Validator = require('@bcdbuddy/validator')
const v = await Validator.make({
data: {
name: 'John Doe',
age: 20,
email: 'john at domain dot com'
rules: {
name: 'required',
age: 'min:18',
email: 'required|email'
if (v.fails()) {
const errors = v.getErrors()
// {
// "email": "'john at domain dot com' is not a valid email"
// }
// component.vue => template
<template lang="pug">
h1 Créer votre compte
form.form(action="/user" method='POST' @submit.prevent="onSubmit")
label(for="phone_number") Phone number
input(type="text" name="phone_number" id="phone_number" v-model="user.phone_number")
label(for="password") Password
input(type="password" name="password" id="password" v-model="user.password")
label(for="password_confirmation") Password confirmation
input(type="password" name="password_confirmation" id="password_confirmation" v-model="user.password_confirmation")
button.button(type="submit") Register
a(href="/user/login") Already a member ? Login here
// component.vue => script
import Validator from '@bcdbuddy/validator'
export default {
data () {
return {
user: {
phone_number: '',
password: '',
password_confirmation: '',
methods: {
async onSubmit () {
const v = await Validator.make({
data: this.user,
rules: {
phone_number: 'required|regex:^[0-9]{9,10}$',
password: 'required|confirmed'
if (v.fails()) {
this.errors = v.getErrors()
// your axios request here
import Validator from '@bcdbuddy/validator'
const formData = request.body // {first_name, last_name, age}
const v = await Validator.make({
data: formData,
rules: {
note: 'greater_than:10',
age: function (age) { // 'greater_than:18'
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (age < 18) {
reject(new Error('Come back next year young blood'))
} else {
first_name: 'required|min:3',
email: ['required', 'unique:Users'],
email: function (filter) {
const email = filter.value
if (!value) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('Email is required'))
const exists = users.findIndex(user => === value) !== -1
if (exists) {
// return Promise.resolve(false) // will know there is an error but will not use your custom error like the line below
return Promise.reject(new Error(`Email ${value} already exists`))
return Promise.resolve(true)
models: {
Users: {
exists (filter) {
const value =
return users.findIndex(user => === value) !== -1
// Your mongo model
import Restaurants from './model/Restaurants'
// await because contains async codes
const v = await Validator.make({
data: request.body,
rules: {
name: 'required',
price: 'greater_than:0',
restaurant: 'required|exists:Restaurants'
models: {
Restaurants: {
exists (filters) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(restaurants => resolve(restaurants.length > 0))
.catch(error => reject(error))
If you're implementing the repository pattern then you will most likely have something like this
// Your mongo model
import Restaurant from './model/Restaurant'
class RestaurantRepository {
// ...
static exists (filters) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
.then(restaurants => resolve(restaurants.length > 0))
.catch(error => reject(error))
import RestaurantRepository from './model/RestaurantRepository'
// await because contains async codes
const v = await Validator.make({
data: requrest.body,
rules: {
name: 'required',
price: 'greater_than:0',
restaurant: 'required|exists:Restaurants'
models: {
Restaurants: RestaurantRepository
I also wrote about the repository pattern: [insert:devto link]
- after validation
const v = Validator.make({
data: {login: '', password: 's€cr€t'},
rules: {
login: 'required',
password: 'required'
v.afterHook((validator) => {
validator.addError('auth', 'Something is wrong with your credentials input')
if (v.fails()) {
const errors = v.getErrors()
// would contain
// {
// login: 'Login field is required',
// auth: 'something is wrong with your credentials input'
// }
- support customer message like
const message = { email: { required: 'Your email is required if you wish like to use this app' } }
- make it work with commonJS by transpiling (babel or something)
- implement rules from
Feel free to fork, use and contribute as you want.