This repository contains Terraform templates for paving the necessary infrastructure to deploy Pivotal Platform (PKS and PAS) to a single foundation. The templates support AWS, vSphere, Azure, and GCP.
In each IaaS directory, there is a terraform.tfvars.example
you can copy
and modify with your configuration choices and credentials.
terraform init
terraform plan -var-file terraform.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars
terraform output stable_config
terraform destroy -var-file terraform.tfvars
These templates support deploying Pivotal Application Service (PAS) and Pivotal Container Service (PKS) to the same foundation.
The templates do not create an Ops Manager VM but do create the necessary infrastructure for the VM (security groups, keys, etc).
These templates demonstrate a modest production deployment in three (3) AZs on each IaaS.
These templates contain extremely minimal interdependence or cleverness, to facilitate incorporating these templates into your own automation easily.
The semantics of the versioning of paving's releases are based on the contents
of terraform output stable_config
. stable_config
should always represent
the minimum necessary to install Pivotal Platform. Any other output may be
added or removed without a change in version. However, MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH should
change according to the following:
- If an output is removed, the MAJOR version should be incremented
- If an output is added, the MINOR version should be incremented
- Otherwise, the patch version should be incremented
In our current configuration, we are using the Ops Manager VM as the
jumpbox. The Ops Manager VM is deployed in the public subnet with a
configuration (var.ops_manager_allowed_ips
) to restrict it by IP. If you want to use a
jumpbox instead, you may deploy ops manager in the management subnet.