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Library for using AngularJS in bem-projects.
- i-bem and ua blocks from bem-core
- AngularJS Framework
- angular-ui-router
If you want some easy way use generator-bem for Yeoman. Follow link before and read instruction for install and using it. It help you to easy creating AngularJS essences and get NodeJS application for testing.
Another way like connecting with bem-bl, bem-core and bem-components libraries. Use bower-npm-install to install bem-ng from GitHub or Bower register.
Add levels form bem-ng to your make.js file:
[ 'libs/bem-ng/common.blocks' ]
Use attrs mod for writing AngularJS directives:
block: 'alert',
attrs: { 'ng-show': 'form.$valid' }
Use ng-template block for creating AngularJS templates on BEMJSON.
block: 'ng-template',
content: [
'Awesome AngularJS template'
Use ng-view block for render AngularJS templates.
One template on page:
{ block: 'ng-view' }
Two templates on page:
{ block: 'ng-view', template: 'contacts' },
{ block: 'ng-view', template: 'copyright' }
Page skeleton, templates, CSS and JavaScript sources from external libs will builds with bem-tools.
- Anton Winogradov (verybigman)
Please, talk about your ideas by GitHub issues.