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2.1 useInertiaInput

Avram Walden edited this page May 22, 2024 · 11 revisions

Provides methods for binding an input to a data value.

This hook will only work within the React Context created by the Form component.

Hook Signature

interface UseInertiaInputProps {
  name: string
  model?: string
  errorKey?: string
  strategy?: InputStrategy
  clearErrorsOnChange?: boolean
Prop Description
name Required value used as the lookup key for getting and setting values on the form data object
model When left empty (default), this component utilizes the model prop from the Form component as the lookup string. Alternatively, if a value is provided, it will use that value as the root level lookup string instead.

For instance, if the model prop of the Form is set to 'user' and the name value of the input is 'first_name', the input values will be assigned to 'user.first_name'. However, if a value is provided to the model in the input, that value will be used as the top-level reference for dot notation, effectively replacing 'user'.
errorKey Can be used to override how errors are stored in the errors object on the form data. (Very unlikely to need to set this)
strategy If you want more control over how inputId and inputName are generated, you can pass your own InputStrategy.

The default strategy builds a standard dot-notation string using the form's context and the name value passed to the hook for inputName, and a snake-case string for the inputId. (Very unlikely to need to set this)
clearErrorsOnChange Defaults to true. Set to false to prevent errors being cleared when the input value is changed. Useful if you want control over when an input's errors are cleared, such as with front-end validation.

Basic Example

While this hook can be used inline to create inputs on the fly, it's intended use is to create reusable input components.

import { useInertiaInput } from 'use-inertia-form'

interface TextInputProps {
  name: string
  model?: string
  label: string

const TextInput = ({ name, model, label }: TextInputProps) => {
  const { inputName, inputId, value, setValue, error } = useInertiaInput<string>({ name, model })

  return (
    <label for={ inputId }>{ label }</label>
      id={ inputId }
      name={ inputName }
      value={ value }
      onChange={ e => setValue( }
    { error && <div className="error">{ error }</div> }

This can then be used within a Form

import { Form } from 'use-inertia-form'
import { TextInput } from '/Components'

const EditUserForm = ({ user }: Schema.User) => {
  return (
    <Form to={ `users/${}` } model="user" data={ { user } } filter="">
      {/* Sync values to `` */}
      <TextInput name="firstName" label="First Name" />
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