A curated list of awesome Autonity resources, libraries, tools and more.
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Websites, community social media, source code:
- autonity.org: About, Network, Validators, Community, FAQs.
- docs.autonity.org: Autonity architecture and system model, networks, usage guides, interface and other references.
- Autonity Research: Discourse forum for community discussion of Autonity protocol R&D.
- How to choose an Autonity validator (by stakeflow.io)
- Exploring the Technical Architecture of the Autonity Derivatives Platform (by DAIC)
- Overview of the Autonity Economic Model (by stakeflow.io)
- Block Explorer for Bakerloo Test Network (by Clearmatics)
- Block Explorer for Piccadilly Test Network (by Clearmatics)
- Autonity Validator Explorer (by stakeflow.io)
- Validator staking dashboard (by adanova)
- Autonity validator and nodes monitoring dashboard with geographic centralization map (by Lefey)
- Validator Dashboard (by adanode)
- Auton and Newton market pages (by coingecko.com)
- Network Dashboard (by DAIC)
- Validator Deployment Toolkit (by web3cdnservices)
- Node deployment (by Staketab)
- Autonity Telegram Node Monitoring (by Inspector)
- Public Piccadilly Validator Dashboard (by Clearmatics)
- Node deployment & validator management tool (by adanode)
- GraphQL API to query Autonity network (by adanode)
- Autonity main client software: Source code on GitHub
- autcli: A Python command-line RPC client for Autonity.
- Public endpoints. Publicly accessible node endpoints (RPC, WebSocket, GraphQL):
- Autonity's Chain ID registration for its current testnets.