This repository modifies original Leap Motion interaction engine to integrates with HTC Vive hand tracking SDK.
In this initial stage, only example 0 is working correctly.
- HTC Vive hand track SDK 0.8.1
- Leap Motion core SDK
- Create an unity project and import HTC Vive hand track SDK 0.8.1 and Leap Motion core SDK.
- Change LeapMotion/Core/Scripts/HandModelManager.cs by this HandModelManager.cs
- Clone this repository to LeapMotion/Modules/
- Open LeapMotion/Modules/HTC-Vive-Leap-Interaction-Engine-Integration/Examples/0. HTC Vive Simple
- Add a GestureProvider in main camera with mode = Skeleton
- Add an InteractionManager and adds two InteractionHands
- Set the Manager of each hand
- Add a HandModelManager
- Set the InteractionManager
- Add your preferred hand leap motion compatible
- Set each hand in HandModelManager