A curated list of awesome Atomicals docs, tools, libraries, software, etc.
(✨ indicates official resources published by the Atomicals Protocol.)
Table of content
- ✨ Atomicals Guidebook - https://docs.atomicals.xyz/
- ✨ Atomicals Guidebook Repository - https://github.com/atomicals-community/atomicals-guide
- ✨ Atomicals CLI and Javascript Library - https://github.com/atomicals/atomicals-js
- ✨ Genesis snapshot for ElectrumX at block 808080 - https://cdn.atomicals.xyz/snapshots/genesis/index.html
- EleX Proxy - https://github.com/WizzWallet/elex-proxy
- Atomicals GUI tool - https://github.com/wusimpl/atommical-js-tools
- Atomicals mining manager - https://github.com/hack-ink/atomicalsir
- Wizz Wallet - https://wizzwallet.io
- ✨ Official - https://ep.atomicals.xyz/proxy
- Wizz Wallet - https://ep.atomicalswallet.com/proxy
- Next Dao - https://ep.nextdao.xyz/proxy
- Atomical Market - https://ep.atomicalmarket.com/proxy
- Consync - https://ep.consync.xyz/proxy
- Neutron Labs - https://ep.atomicalneutron.com/proxy
- Bitverse - https://ep.bitverse.zone/proxy
- ✨ Official - https://eptestnet.atomicals.xyz/proxy
- Wizz Wallet - https://eptest.atomicalswallet.com/proxy
- Atomical Market - https://atomicalmarket.com
- Bitatom - https://bitatom.io
- SatsX Marketplace - https://satsx.io/marketplace
- UniSat Marketplace - https://unisat.io/atomicals/market/arc20?tick=atom
- Discussion with A from the Atomicals Protocol creators of ARC20 and Realm names all built on Bitcoin - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMVP4QhxYXQ
- Discussion with Arthur From Atomicals Protocol - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-uksyn3a3o