forp-php is a composer package that "simplifies" usage of forp PHP profiler on your application.
What it does :
- it starts forp PHP profiler.
- it registers the forp output callback on shutdown of the PHP script.
- it selects the most appropriate response to the client.
Server-side :
- forp-PHP-profiler : must be installed on your server
Client-side :
- forp-chrome : Chrome client for Chrome users
- forp-ui : forp.min.js must be put on your own CDN
With $opts :
'no_internals' => 1, // enable/disable collect of PHP internals
'ui_src' => '<your forp-ui cdn>', // URL of forp-ui forp.min.js on your CDN @link
'flags' => self::FLAG_ALL, // forp flags @link
Example :
// if($theCurrentRequestCanProfileTheCurrentScript) {
$Forp = new Forp\Forp(array(
'ui_src' => '<your forp-ui cdn>',
// }
It can be done in an auto-prepend-file.
Just add this package to the requires of your project (composer.json
"aterrien/forp": "dev-master"
Don't forget to run the install command.