It is filterscript plug-and-play to use sampvoice plugin ( with some features:
- voip local
- voip radio (group)
- voip phone (private)
- no crash on server running
- no crash on gmx
- tested on a server with 200 players online
- same FS i use on samp server intense life (
Demo video of a player using it on my server (in portuguese):
you have to do 3 steps
after install the plugin samp voice:
Download from the releases page the desired version of the plugin for your platform.
Unpack the archive to the root directory of the server.
Add to the server.cfg server configuration file the line "plugins sampvoice" for Win32 and "plugins" for Linux x86. (If you have a Pawn.RakNet plugin be sure to place SampVoice after it)
you have to coppy and paste
into your filterscripts folder
and then add sampvoice into your filterscript line on server.cfg
filterscripts sampvoice
use as reference gm_code_example
and put it in your gamemode so players can switch talk stat to radio/local and connect/disconnect on radio frequencies
sadly some libs cannot work fine with sampvoice lib their repository is abandoned so i recommend to avoid some libs that could possibly cause conflicts: #include <Pawn.RakNet>
, some YSI