# ⚡ BTCWatcherBot
BTCWatcherBot is a comprehensive Telegram bot that helps you monitor Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. It supports creating Bitcoin wallets, Lightning wallets (via LNbits), tracking prices, fees, transactions, and more!
## 📌 **Features**
- 🛠 **Create Bitcoin Wallets** and generate seed phrases.
- ⚡ **Create Lightning Wallets** and manage invoices/payments via LNbits.
- 💰 **Check Balances** for both Bitcoin and Lightning wallets.
- 📈 **Track Bitcoin Prices** in USD and EUR.
- ⛽ **Check Transaction Fees** and set alerts.
- 🔗 **Monitor Blockchain Events** like new blocks and large transactions.
- 🔔 **Set Price and Fee Alerts** with real-time notifications.
- 📝 **Receive Lightning Payments** and generate QR codes for invoices.
## 🚀 **Getting Started**
### 🔧 **Prerequisites**
Ensure you have the following installed:
- **Python 3.10+**
- **Telegram Bot Token** (from [BotFather](https://core.telegram.org/bots#botfather))
- **LNbits Instance** for Lightning wallet operations
- **Flask** for webhook server
### 📦 **Dependencies**
Install required packages:
pip install requests python-telegram-bot==13.7 bit mnemonic qrcode flask python-dotenv
Create a .env
file to store your bot token:
│-- main.py
│-- wallet_manager.py
│-- ln_wallet_manager.py
│-- wallets.json
│-- ln_wallets.json
└-- .env
Start the Bot:
python3 main.py
Start the Webhook Server for Lightning payments (Flask runs on port 5050):
The webhook server runs automatically in a separate thread when the bot starts.
– Create a new Bitcoin wallet./check_balance
– Check your Bitcoin wallet balance./send_bitcoin [address] [amount]
– Send Bitcoin to a specified address./wallet_info
– Show your wallet information.
– Create a new Lightning wallet./check_ln_balance
– Check your Lightning wallet balance./create_ln_invoice [amount] [memo]
– Create a Lightning invoice and QR code./pay_ln_invoice [bolt11_invoice]
– Pay a Lightning invoice./send_to_ln_address [ln_address] [amount]
– Send sats to a Lightning Address.
– Get the current Bitcoin price./fees
– Check current transaction fees./monitor_blocks
– Monitor new Bitcoin blocks./track_tx [txid]
– Track a Bitcoin transaction./stats
– Get Bitcoin network stats./ln_stats
– Get Lightning Network stats.
/set_price_alert [price]
– Set a price alert./set_fee_alert [fee]
– Set a fee alert.
- Keep your seed phrases and private keys secure!
- Avoid sharing your admin keys and bot tokens.