This is a redmine plugin helps to manage employees leave account of an employer
Redmine - 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x
Ruby - 1.9.x
Download and extract or clone the LMS redmine plugin in the redmine app’s plugins folder ‘{redmine_app}/plugins’
cd {redmine_app}/plugins
git clone leave_management_system
Run the migrations
rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=leave_management_system RAILS_ENV=production
Restart the server
Rollback the migrations
rake redmine:plugins:migration NAME=leave_management_system VERSION=0 RAILS_ENV=production
Remove the redmine_leave_management_system plugins folder from redmine app’s plugins folder
Restart the server
Different roles - Leave appliers, approvers, deductors and reports;
Can add group of users to any of these roles.
Appliers can apply leaves.
Approvers can approve the leaves.
Deductors can modify LMS settings and can deduct the approved leaves from employee leave account.
Reporters can view the leave histories - taken leaves and available leaves, leave details etc. - of all employees
Automatically generate leave account for an employee from current month till year end when an employee will be added to applier groups in redmine.
Leave types - create/edit/delete any leave type like Medical leave, Casual leave, etc.
General Settings - Work from home policy, carry forward policy, weekends
Generate Leave accounts - While generating leave accounts, LMS will generate leave accounts from current month till year end and add/remove leave types to/from current year leave account.
Manage leave accounts.
Public Holidays.
Start LMS - It tells LMS to allow employees to apply leaves. Unless you start LMS, no one can apply leaves. Afterwards you can’t change any of the LMS settings.
Current year leave summary - total leaves taken, available leaves, number of LOP, work from home details if applicable
Public holidays list
Own dashboard and others dashboard where other employees leave histories are shown.
Current year leave histories - pending, approved, cancelled, rejected leaves
Apply leave/work from home - System silently discards the public holidays and weekends when you apply leave.
Notify other employees also about applying leave via email.
Cancel leave
Reject leave
Approve leave
Deduct apporved leaves from leave account
System will automatically email concerned employees when applying/cancelling/rejecting/approving/deducting leaves.
Monthly detailed leave history report of all employees
YTD detailed leave history report of all employees
Yearly detailed leave history report of all employees
First release
Fixed Apply leave failure bug
Now supports in Redmine 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 2.4.x also
This software is licensed under the GNU GPL v2. See COPYRIGHT and COPYING for details.