Node.js plugin for interaction with AssertThat BDD Jira plugin.
$ npm install @assertthat/assertthat-bdd -g
Documentation on how to obtain access/secret keys and project id can be found here AssertThat+Configuration
Parameters can either be passed from the command line:
$ assertthat-bdd -i PROJECT_ID -a ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY -s ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY -f (for downloading feature files) -r (for uploading reports)
Available parameters:
-V, --version output the version number
--projectId <ID> Jira project id
--accessKey [ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY] Access key
--secretKey [ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY] Secret key
--token [ASSERTTHAT_API_TOKEN] Jira API token (for DataCenter only) as an alternative to accessKey/secretKey basic auth
--jiraServerUrl [URL] Jira server URL e.g
--features Download features
--report Upload report
--jsonReportFolder [FOLDER PATH] Cucumber json files folder
--mode <mode> Features to download (default: "automated")
--tags <tag-expression> Cucumber tag expression for filtering scenarios (default: "")
--runName [NAME] Test run name
--metadata [FILE PATH] Metadata json file path
--outputFolder [FOLDER PATH] Jira project id
--jql [JQL] JQL filter for features download and report upload
--jsonReportIncludePattern [PATTERN] Pattern for json file names
--proxyHost [Host] Proxy Host
--proxyPort [Port] Proxy Port
--numbered [true|false] Append number to feature name on download
-h, --help output usage information
Mandatory parameters are --projectId, --accessKey, --secretKey (if --accessKey or --secretKey is missing the plugin will attempt to read them from ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY and ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY environment variables respectively.
You can use the client in your own scripts to download feature files and upload reports to AssertThat BDD .
$ npm install @assertthat/assertthat-bdd --save
import * as assertThat from '@assertthat/assertthat-bdd'
- For downloading feature files:
Using Basic auth
const assertThat = require('assertthat-bdd');
"projectId": PROJECT_ID,
"jiraServerUrl": "Jira server URL." //Omit if using Jira Cloud
}, function() {
// some optional callback code
Using Jira API token (more info can be found here Using personal access tokens)
const assertThat = require('assertthat-bdd');
"projectId": PROJECT_ID,
"jiraServerUrl": "Jira server URL." //Omit if using Jira Cloud
}, function() {
// some optional callback code
Available parameters:
--accessKey [ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY] Access key
--secretKey [ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY] Secret key
--token [ASSERTTHAT_API_TOKEN] Jira API token (for DataCenter only) as an alternative to accessKey/secretKey basic auth
--jiraServerUrl [URL] Jira server URL e.g
--projectId <ID> Jira project id
--mode <mode> Features to download (default: "automated")
--tags <tag-expression> Cucumber tag expression for scenarios filtering
--outputFolder [FOLDER PATH] Jira project id
--jql [JQL] JQL filter for features
--numbered [true|false] Append number to feature name on download
--proxyHost [Host] Proxy Host
--proxyPort [Port] Proxy Port
- For uploading reports:
Using Basic auth
const assertThat = require('assertthat-bdd');
"projectId": PROJECT_ID,
"jiraServerUrl": "Jira server URL." //Omit if using Jira Cloud
}, function() {
// some optional callback code
Using Jira API token (more info can be found here Using personal access tokens)
const assertThat = require('assertthat-bdd');
"projectId": PROJECT_ID,
"jiraServerUrl": "Jira server URL." //Omit if using Jira Cloud
}, function() {
// some optional callback code
Available parameters:
--accessKey [ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY] Access key
--secretKey [ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY] Secret key
--token [ASSERTTHAT_API_TOKEN] Jira API token (Server and DC only)
--projectId <ID> Jira project id
--jsonReportFolder [FOLDER PATH] Cucumber json files folder
--runName [NAME] Test run name
--jsonReportIncludePattern [PATTERN] Pattern for json file names
--jql [JQL] JQL filter for Jira issues to update with test results
--proxyHost [Host] Proxy Host
--proxyPort [Port] Proxy Port
--metadata [FILE PATH] Metadata json file path
- Metadata file path is the path to a simple json file (no nesting) with some additional data about the run that can be optionally supplied.
Example of the file can be:
"environment": "UAT-1",
"build": "XX-1-YY"
Refer to example project assertthat-testcafe-demo