If you want to use containers
If you don't want to use containers
Dans un vrai projet, il est toujours nécessaire de disposer de plusieurs outils
- Make
- npm ou yarn
there is a way to launch a project very quickly : semapps-workbench It is only a tool that simplifies the different manipulations that will be seen in this guide.
to start a poject
- fork semapps-workbench git repository : this is your directory for your project
- clone new repository on your local environment
- initialise & server server + initialise an DMS/archipelago client + set up containers infrastructure
make init
- start the full project (client at localhost:5000) + show logs of containers
make start
make log
make stop
- OR start using semapps kernel sources (more information in "use semapps kernel source" chapiter) + show logs of containers
make start-dev
make log-dev
make stop-dev
- If you are on a production server that benefits from DNS redirection, start on a production server (more information in "production environment" chapiter) + show logs of containers.
make start-prod
make log-prod
make stop-prod