Moleculer template to generate a SemApps-based LDP server
- Compatible with Moleculer v0.14.x
- LDP and Triple Store services
- Optional read-only SPARQL endpoint
- Optional WebACL (WAC) authorizations
- ApiGateway with LDP routes
- Docker file to run Jena Fuseki triple store locally (optional)
First install the moleculer-cli tool.
Then initialize a new project based on this template with this command:
$ moleculer init assemblee-virtuelle/semapps-template-ldp my-project
$ moleculer init assemblee-virtuelle/semapps-template-ldp my-project
Template repo: assemblee-virtuelle/semapps-template-ldp
? Do you need a local instance of Jena Fuseki (with Docker)?
? What is the URL of your Jena Fuseki instance?
? What is the name of the dataset ?
? Do you need a read-only SPARQL endpoint?
? Do you need WebACL (WAC) authorizations ?
Create 'my-project' folder...
? Would you like to run 'npm install'?
Your semantic application is ready!
To get started:
- cd my-project
- docker-compose up (if you choose a local Jena Fuseki instance)
- npm run dev
npm run dev
- Start in development mode with hot-reloading and REPL.npm start
- Start in production mode
This template is available under the Apache 2.0 license.