- Node 0.12.7
- Redis DB
- Rails 4.0 or grater
To install Node 0.12.7 :
- Download Node 0.12.7
- cd node-v0.12.0
- ./configure
- sudo make install
- make
To install Redis :
- http://redis.io/topics/quickstart
To install Rails :
- https://github.com/aspiresoftware/translation-manager-client-app
Now we have three components, that you need to configure:
- Translation-manager-app(Rails Server)
- Translation-manager-client-app(rails client, realtime client)
- RealTime Server
Just, clone it from github:
- git clone https://github.com/smigit/translation-manager-app
Then start Rails server:
- cd translation-manager-app
- rails server
Also start Rails console as well on second terminal which will be used later:
- cd translation-manager-app
- rails c
Configuration for Realtime server:
Now open third terminal and follow the steps,
- gem install foreman
- git clone git://github.com/mikeatlas/realtime-server.git
- cd realtime-server
- sudo npm install
- foreman start
Installation and configuration for Translation-manager-client-app:
Now open forth terminal and follow the steps,
- git clone https://github.com/aspiresoftware/translation-manager-client-app
- cd translation-manager-client-app
- sudo npm install
- gulp test-browser
Now Load this client-app on any web-server:
# Using SimpleHTTPServer (we are using python SimpleHTTPServer)
- Open fifth terminal at location of translation-manager-client-app and run following command.
- python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
Now Open browser with: - http://localhost:8000/test/runner.html
Here, you will see the all test cases that have been passed.
Your Locale Storage of browser would also be filled with the translations.
To sync translation, open rails console(second terminal) and publish the message, - $redis.publish 'realtime_msg', {en: {"date": {"abbr_day_names":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"]}}, recipient_user_ids: [41, 42]}.to_json
This will update your local storage translation with key 'en'
And, for next translation it will use this updated value. Cheers!!