Application checks the price list passed at time iterval and finds
- Stock Buy price
- Stock Sell price
- Max Profit
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Java 8
maven 3
Junit 4
- App class holds the entry point of application which takes input from file and throws exception in case of any glitch in the system.
- GlassBeamStock POJO that has buy and sell unit price and also checks if profit can be made.
- StockMarket sets the price for GBStock and also checks that the Buy first happens before selling the stock.
Unzip the file to any directory. And open the project in your favourite IDE. Do the following
mvn clean package
$ java -jar buy-and-sell-1.0.jar /path/to/input/file/input.txt 100000
if running on IDE
Run the with 2 program arguments
* input-file.txt // should be a comma separated price list like 1,2,3,4,5 ...
* 10000 // chunk size that you want to break it into
Note :- Chunk size should be decided on basis of the data. For example:
- if data is 1 million, ideal chunk size should be 100000 i.e 1 lakh
- chunk size above is 100000 because the data is 1 million.
- A sample text file containing comma separated price list is attached.
- ExecutorService is being used to parallelize the execution by taking chunk by chunk and finding the max, min. And after all threads are executed, values are checked and max profit is calculated.
- Order-of-execution for this algorithms in my assumption would be O(n log n), as the size of the array is reduced to chunks and iterated over.
Tests are included to check the validating price list
mvn clean test
- Maven - Dependency Management