A dark Vim color scheme for the GUI and 256-color terminals, based on fsociety's synthwave theme.
Code shamelessly stolen from the fabulous onedark theme.
Terminal that supports at least 256 colors, preferably 24-bit color.
In your ~/.vimrc
set background=dark
color synthwave
if has('termguicolors')
set termguicolors " 24-bit terminal
let g:synthwave_termcolors=256 " 256 color mode
Add the following to your ~/.vimrc
file and run PluginInstall
in Vim.
Plugin 'exitface/synthwave.vim'
Add the following to your ~/.vimrc
file and run PlugInstall
in Vim.
Plug 'exitface/synthwave.vim'
cd ~/.vim/bundle
git clone https://github.com/exitface/synthwave.vim
cd ~/.vim/colors
git clone git://github.com/exitface/synthwave.vim synthwave.vim
cp synthwave.vim/colors/*.vim .
vim-airline theme for use with synthwave.vim.
- Must be used with the base synthwave.vim theme.
- Based on onedark.vim, which in turn is based on vim-airline's "tomorrow" theme.
Assuming vim-airline and synthwave are already installed and configured:
Copy synthwave.vim/autoload/airline/themes/synthwave.vim
to ~/.vim/autoload/airline/themes/
directory add the following line to your ~/.vimrc
let g:airline_theme='synthwave'