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Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit

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A MultiCourse variation of the Docsify Open Course Starter Kit to quickly create a Markdown-based open multi-course site with the site generator Docsify. Global navigation elements can be hidden for seamlessly embedding pages (i.e., into an LMS). Includes an optional "Edit this Page" link.

📸 Docsify Open MultiCourse Screenshots

 Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit Figure 1. Docsify Open MultiCourse Starter Kit. Explore a demo at

🚀 GitHub Pages Quickstart

Pre-flight Checklist

  1. GitHub account

Installation and Deployment

  1. Tap Use this template on the source repository (upper-right green button)  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - Install Page 1

  2. Choose the name for your new repository to contain the copied site files and then tap Create repository from template  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - Install Page 2

  3. Go to Settings of your newly created repository, tap the Pages tab (on the left-hand side), choose main branch, then docs folder and finally tap the Save button (see more details in the Docsify documentation)  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - Install Page 3

  4. And you're done! (view your new site using the provided URL on the Pages tab - it can take up to 10 minutes for your site to be initially available)  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - Install Page 4

Do you use GitLab? You can also use Docsify with GitLab Pages!

✏️ Editing Your Docsify Site Pages on GitHub

  1. Go to the Docsify Markdown (.md) page in the docs folder of your repository you want to edit  Editing Your Docsify Site Pages 1

  2. Tap the Pencil Icon (top left-hand toolbar area) to start the editor  Editing Your Docsify Site Pages 2

  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap the Commit changes button to save your changes  Editing Your Docsify Site Pages 3

💡 Tips and More Info

🔗 Activating the “Edit this Page” Link on Your Docsify Site

  1. At the top-level of your GitHub Repository copy the URL  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - “Edit this Page” Link 1

  2. Tap on the docs folder  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - “Edit this Page” Link 2

  3. Tap on the index.html file  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - “Edit this Page” Link 3

  4. Tap the Pencil Icon (top left-hand toolbar area) to start the editor  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - “Edit this Page” Link 4

  5. Find the line var gitLinkRepoURL = ''; and enter the URL of your own GitHub Repository in between the two quotes and then scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap the Commit changes button to save your changes  Docsify Open Course Starter Kit - “Edit this Page” Link 5

💻 Locally Editing Your Docsify Site Pages

Editing Your Docsify Site Pages on Your Desktop

  1. Tap Code on your repository (upper-right green button)
  2. Choose Open Desktop and follow the prompts, installing GitHub Desktop if not already present
  3. You will now be able to edit your Docsify site (in the docs folder) using the desktop editor of your choice (e.g. Atom)
  4. Use GitHub Desktop to push any changes to your repository.

💡 Tips and More Info

You can also clone (i.e download) a copy of your repository to your computer and run Docsify locally to preview your site. See the below video for details.

🖼 Embedding your Docsify Page Content into Other Systems

 Docsify Open Course Page Embedded into the Canvas LMS Figure 2. Docsify Open Course Page Embedded into the Canvas LMS. Explore an example Canvas LMS course using Docsify Open Course pages for content at

The optional ‘embedded’ (all lowercase) URL parameter hides a site’s sidebar and optional navbar for seamlessly embedding Docsify page content within another platform such as Canvas LMS, Moodle, Microsoft Teams etc.

To only display Docsify page content, add the following to a Docsify page URL:


Example standard Docsify page:

Example Docsify page displaying only page content (i.e., no sidebar is shown):

To optionally show a page Table of Contents (based on included Headers), use the following:


Example Docsify page displaying only page content:

Example Docsify page displaying only page content with a page Table of Contents included:

To optionally hide the 'Edit this Page' link, use the following:


Example Docsify page displaying only page content:

Example Docsify page displaying only page content with the 'Edit this Page' link hidden:

🌐 Using an LMS to Host a Docsify Open Course Site

As Docsify Open Course Starter Kit does not require a web server, it can actually be hosted on many LMSs that support file libraries such as Canvas and Moodle.

For example, here is a Docsify Open Course Site hosted within a Canvas course. Single Docsify Open Course site pages can also be embedded while hosted on the same system.

Hosting a Docsify Open Course Site on your LMS

  1. Tap Download on your repository page
  2. Upload to your LMS file storage area, and unzip the upload file
  3. Based on your LMS, determine the external URL required to load the index.html file within the Docsify Docs folder. In Canvas, an example URL would look similar to
⚠️ Once hosted within your LMS, changes made to the source GitHub repository are no longer automatically reflected on your hosted Docsify site. Any GitHub repository updates must be manually uploaded to the LMS file library area.

📚 Docsify and Markdown Resources

Docsify Documentation
Docsify Basics by MichaelCurrin

Docsify Themable
Docsify Themeable Documentation
Docsify Themeable GitHub

Markdown Here Cheatsheet
Markdown Guide

📼 Video Walkthrough of Local Docsify Install/Config

Generating Documentation Sites with GitHub and Docsify - Alysson Alvaran
Video 1. Generating Documentation Sites with GitHub and Docsify - Alysson Alvaran

🙇‍Credits and Special Thanks

Docsify Themeable


The online home for DGL 104 at North Island College



Code of conduct


