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Andrew Player edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 1 revision


Created By: Andrew Player
File Name:
Date Created: 05-01-2022
Description: Functions to handle file read/write.

function save_dataset

save_dataset(save_path: Path, mask: ndarray, wrapped: ndarray) → None

Saves event-mask and wrapped ndarrays to a single .npz file.

function load_dataset

load_dataset(load_path: Path) → Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]

Loads event-mask and wrapped ndarrays from .npz file.


  • load_path : Path
    The path to the data example that should be loaded.


  • mask : np.ndarray
    The array of the event-mask loaded from the .npz.
  • wrapped : np.ndarray
    The array of the wrapped interferogram loaded from the .npz.

function create_directories

create_directories() → None

Creates the directories for storing our data.

function get_image_array

get_image_array(image_path: str) → ndarray

Load a interferogram .tif from storage into an array.


  • image_path : str
    The path to the interferogram .tif to be opened.


  • arr : np.ndarray
    The interferogram array.

function get_dataset_arrays

get_dataset_arrays(product_path: str) → Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

Load wrapped, unwrapped, and correlation .tifs from storage into arrays.


  • product_path : str
    The path to the InSAR product folder containing the images.


  • wrapped : np.ndarray
    The array of the wrapped interferogram loaded from the .tif.
  • unwrapped : np.ndarray
    The array of the unwrapped interferogram loaded from the .tif.
  • correlation : np.ndarray
    The correlation map array loaded from the .tif,

function get_product_arrays

get_product_arrays(product_path: str) → Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]

Load wrapped, unwrapped, and correlation .tifs from storage into arrays.


  • product_path : str
    The path to the InSAR product folder containing the images.


  • wrapped : np.ndarray
    The array of the wrapped interferogram loaded from the .tif.
  • unwrapped : np.ndarray
    The array of the unwrapped interferogram loaded from the .tif.
  • correlation : np.ndarray
    The correlation map array loaded from the .tif,

function dataset_from_pngs

    dataset_name: str,
    dataset_path: str,
    save_path: str,
    tile_size: int,
    crop_size: int
) → int

Creates a dataset from a folder containing real interferogram products.


  • dataset_name : str
    The name for the folder that will contain the dataset.
  • product_path : str
    The path to the folder containing sar product folders
  • save_path : str
    The path to the folder where the dataset should be saved.
  • tile_size : int
    The width and height of the tiles that the image will be broken into, this needs to match the input shape of the model.
  • crop_size : int
    If the models output shape is different than the input shape, this value needs to be equal to the output shape.


  • dataset_size : int
    The size of the dataset that was created.

function dataset_from_products

    dataset_name: str,
    product_path: str,
    save_path: str,
    tile_size: int,
    crop_size: int
) → int

Creates a dataset from a folder containing real interferogram products.


  • dataset_name : str
    The name for the folder that will contain the dataset.
  • product_path : str
    The path to the folder containing sar product folders
  • save_path : str
    The path to the folder where the dataset should be saved.
  • tile_size : int
    The width and height of the tiles that the image will be broken into, this needs to match the input shape of the model.
  • crop_size : int
    If the models output shape is different than the input shape, this value needs to be equal to the output shape.
  • cutoff : int
    Set point in wrapped array to 0 if the correlation is below this value at that point.


  • dataset_size : int
    The size of the dataset that was created.

function make_synthetic_dataset

    name: str,
    output_dir: str,
    amount: int,
    seed: int,
    tile_size: int,
    crop_size: int,
    min_amp: float,
    max_amp: float,
    min_x_mean: float,
    max_x_mean: float,
    min_y_mean: float,
    max_y_mean: float,
    min_x_stddev: float,
    max_x_stddev: float,
    min_y_stddev: float,
    max_y_stddev: float
) → Tuple[int, int, str]

Generate a dataset containing pairs of synthetic wrapped interferograms along with their event-masks


  • name : str
    The name of the dataset to be generate. The saved name will be formatted like _amount_seed.
  • output_dir : str
    The directory to save the generated dataset to.
  • amount : int
    The amount of simulated interferogram pairs to be generated.
  • seed : int
    A seed for the random functions. For the same seed, with all other values the same as well, the interferogram generation will have the same results. If left at 0, a seed will be generated and the results will be different every time.
  • tile_size : int
    The size of the simulated interferograms, which should match the desired tile sizes of of the real interferograms. This also needs to match the input shape of the model.
  • crop_size : int
    If the model's output shape does not match its input shape, this should be set to match the output shape. The unwrapped interferogram will be cropped to this.


  • seed : int
    The generated or inputed seed.
  • count : int
    The number of samples that were generated.
  • dir_name : str
    The generated name of the dataset directory.

function make_simulated_dataset

    name: str,
    output_dir: str,
    amount: int,
    seed: int,
    tile_size: int
) → Tuple[int, int, str]

Generate a dataset containing pairs of wrapped interferograms from simulated deformation along with their event-masks


  • name : str
    The name of the dataset to be generate. The saved name will be formatted like _amount_seed.
  • output_dir : str
    The directory to save the generated dataset to.
  • amount : int
    The amount of simulated interferogram pairs to be generated.
  • seed : int
    A seed for the random functions. For the same seed, with all other values the same as well, the interferogram generation will have the same results. If left at 0, a seed will be generated and the results will be different every time.
  • tile_size : int
    The size of the simulated interferograms, which should match the desired tile sizes of of the real interferograms. This also needs to match the input shape of the model.


  • seed : int
    The generated or inputed seed.
  • count : int
    The number of samples that were generated.
  • dir_name : str
    The generated name of the dataset directory.

function split_dataset

split_dataset(dataset_path: str, split: float) → Tuple[int, int]

Split the dataset into train and test folders


  • dataset_path : str
    The path to the dataset to be split
  • split : float
    The train/test split, 0 < Split < 1, size(validation) <= split


  • num_train : int
    The number of elements that went to the training set.
  • num_validation : int
    The number of elements that went to the validation set.

This file was automatically generated via andrewplayer3's fork of lazydocs.