This is the source code of the Mapwize app available on the Google Play Store.
View the app on the Play Store
Are you looking for a simple way to implement indoor mapping and wayfinding in your organization? Get your Mapwize account, import your indoor maps on Mapwize Studio and fork this app!
The app is built using the MapwizeForMapbox SDK. You can find the documentation about the SDK at
You will need to set your Mapbox and Mapwize credentials in the and classes.
Sample keys are given for Mapwize and Mapbox. Please note that those keys can only be used for testing purposes, with very limited traffic, and cannot be used in production. Get your own keys from and Free accounts are available.
The app is released under MIT license.
The LICENSE file contains the MIT license as well as the licenses of the open-source code used.
A page with credits to the used open-source projects is added in the app. The credits.html page can be generated from the LICENSE file using showdown.
Install showdown if you don't have it yet
npm install showdown -g
Then execute
showdown makehtml -i LICENSE -o app/src/main/assets/credits.html