This example repo describe how to access httpbin/any service securely via kong OIDC with keycloak.
Build the kong using
docker-compose build kong
docker-compose up -d
Then visit http://localhost:8000
Login using username: admin, password: admin
Now the httpbin page will load
To logout http://localhost:8000/auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/logout?redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A8000 then http://localhost:8000/logout
Load the keycloak config into the keycloak using their API. We used this only to create clients. But you can use this for load all kind of keycloak config. Export keycloak config and use it here.
This is just a shell script with curl command against kong admin API.
This will create
These are the following things are minimum requirement to deploy this stack in production.
Keycloak theme based on organization
Import existing LDAP/AD users using keycloak user federation
Keycloak external identity provider
Keycloak proper user and role mapping
Define authentication flow based on need
Integrate monitoring and alerting system like prometheus and grafana
To handle the load
Run keycloak as cluster
Run postgres as cluster
Run kong as cluster