Runs as a periodic cron to record recent cycle time metrics to statsd.
To run tests:
bundle exec rspec
To run tasks locally (e.g.):
foreman run bundle exec rake record:data_freshness
Some of the tasks in this repo send metrics to Datadog via dogstatsd. If you are adding a task that does something similar, you might want to test sending metric from your local to Datadog. You can do that by:
Spin up a local dd-agent using Hokusai:
hokusai dev start
Run the task locally, for example:
foreman run bundle exec rake record:data_freshness
You can also run the task via Hokusai:
hokusai dev run "bundle exec rake record:data_freshness"
Confirm it works by locating the metric on Datadog Metrics Explorer UI. There's a lag of a few minutes.