Release 0.7.3
Change Log
0.7.3 (2018-08-19)
Merged pull requests:
- Release 0.7.3 #989 (raulraja)
- Adding FP to the max implementation #987 (enhan)
- Strong label style #986 (israelperezglez)
- Apply global fix to enforce lambda syntactic sugar #985 (pakoito)
- Add cancellation capabilities to IO #983 (pakoito)
- Add my talk at DroidJam #981 (RivuChk)
- Update README #979 (jpardogo)
- Update #978 (kasim1011)
- Add Android Functional Validation With Arrow talk #977 (dcampogiani)
- Improving snippets and fixes #976 (Cotel)
- Add rightIfNotNull to Either. #974 (veiset)
- Added leftIfNull to Either. #972 (atomcat1978)
- Do a cleanup pass on Core #971 (pakoito)
- Add
Kotlin for the Pragmatic Functionalist
intro talk #969 (pakoito) - More IO perf improvements #968 (pakoito)
- Add pipeLazy #965 (pakoito)
- IO flatMap perf tweak #964 (pakoito)
- Sort output of Renzu #963 (pakoito)
- Typeclass Polymorphism pattern docs #961 (JorgeCastilloPrz)
- CoroutineContext aware invoke constructor for Async #960 (pakoito)
- Adding bifunctor and profunctor typeclasses and laws #959 (Cotel)
- More fixes for the fix god #957 (pakoito)
- Improve docs to better explain monads #956 (pakoito)
- Attempt to fix 0.7.X crashing on Android #955 (pakoito)
- Adding sample to on Option docs #953 (fabriciorissetto)
- Add IO implementation of parMap #950 (pakoito)
- Add @deprecated annotations on boolean instances #949 (BranislavLazic)
- StateT video #947 (israelperezglez)
- Remove arrow.legacy #945 (jereksel)
- #841 - Add Monoid instances #942 (bassjacob)
- Fix codecov coverage upload #938 (jereksel)
- Add extfun for raiseError to match just #936 (pakoito)
- Add Jacob's Yow talk #935 (pakoito)
- Replace let(::Left/Right) with .left()/.right() #933 (jereksel)
- Remove kapt sources hax for non-Android projects #932 (jereksel)
- Update Kotlin to 1.2.51 #931 (jereksel)
- Fix gradle part of NonEmptyList README #929 (jereksel)
- Index DSL support #928 (nomisRev)
- Fix Android + Java 8 interaction #926 (pakoito)
- Add orNull() to Either, Validated, and Try #925 (xenomachina)
- Move arrow version to variable #923 (jereksel)
- sequenceK semigroup combine fix #922 (richard-gibson)
- Add recursion schemes info to data types intro #919 (calvellido)
- Add more libs and examples to the docs #918 (pakoito)
- Update the license on the docs to match the one at the root #917 (pakoito)
- arrow 101 article #916 (leandroBorgesFerreira)
- Adding my slides from my talk at Sunny Tech #915 (enhan)
- Arrow-recursion docs #913 (aedans)
- Inject method to restore scroll position after focus into searchbar #911 (calvellido)
- Fix comprehension crash #905 (pakoito)
- Add continueOn to Async #903 (pakoito)
- Add docs for side-effects #902 (pakoito)
- Add tags with difficulty for all docs #901 (pakoito)
- Add docs for library breakdown #900 (pakoito)
- AwaitAll for Traverse Deferred<T> #899 (richard-gibson)
- Searchbar for Arrow Docs #898 (calvellido)
- Fix optics law links #895 (nomisRev)
- Fix Renzu generating for Ant, Kobalt and Maven #894 (jereksel)
- Move Optics std to companion objects #888 (nomisRev)
- Visual differentiatior in docs for
content #887 (calvellido) - Make mapOf() for Tuple2 return MapK #886 (pakoito)
- Add extra tips for running IO #885 (pakoito)
- Remove unnecessary type params on Either.Left and Either.Right - brea… #877 (dmcg)
- Prevent Either::map and Either::flatMap creating a new Left #876 (dmcg)
- Functor video #875 (israelperezglez)
- Next dev iteration 0.7.3-SNAPSHOT #872 (raulraja)
- ListK docs #870 (pakoito)
- Fix types order in Either example #868 (hamen)
- Fix wrong superclass #867 (Takhion)
- Fix typo in Rx2 readme #865 (aballano)
- [WIP] Try to improve CI build time #863 (aballano)
- Improve optics processor #852 (nomisRev)
- Measure build times #839 (pedrovgs)
- Reactor Integration #706 (Cotel)