Programming Language : Kotlin
Libraries :
- Timber
- Firebase
- RecyclerView
Overview : The purpose of the project is to learn and demonstrate various android features and pratices in a single app.
Structure :
- The app contains a Splashscreen and a HomeScreen .
- The HomeScreen has a GridLayout recyclerview where each item is used to demonstrate an android feature .
- It uses Jetpack (anroidx.* libraries) instead of deprecated* libraries .
- Multiple product flavours(live,dev,uat) and build variants(release , debug) with each product flavour having it's own applicationId so that all product variants can be installed and tested in a device at the same time.
Following and project naming conventions and guidelines
Google Maps:
- Integrations for live,dev builds
- Support different terrains .
- Add markers,point of interests and their info.
- Map styling (
- Open setting page - Extension function
Firebase ML
- Facedetection
- Business Card Detection ( Object detecion + Text detection)
Known issues : Firebase ML module crashing