An R package for drawing survival curves with the number-at-risk displayed underneath.
The primary function "surviplot" draws a survival curve with the number at risk displayed underneath. Optionally, the hazard ratio, CI, and logrank P value are displayed if there are exactly two strata.
You can see a couple of examples here:
I originally called this package "survplot" and made it available on my website around 2009. Soon after, I discovered the existence of a function called "survplot" in the rms package with somewhat similar functionality. I was heartbroken. Worse, there seemed to be people out there who were getting the two packages confused.
After seven years of anguish I finally arrived at a satisfactory new name for my package: surviplot. Ta-dah! Phew.
Version 1.0.0 of surviplot is essentially the same as version 0.0.7 of survplot, except for the "survplot" -> "surviplot" thing.
For former users of "survplot", you just need to replace
## old
## new
You can install the latest version from GitHub like this:
## install.packages("devtools")
There are other R packages with similar functionality: