This is a modified version of the Unity 4.6 sample project 'Nightmares'. This variant uses eye tracking input from The Eye Tribe Tracker to add unique features to the game.
The gameplay of the sample has been altered to use gaze input.
- Avatar is moved using arrow keys or joystick
- Firing is done using ctrl or joystick Fire 1
- Aiming is done using eye coordinates (instead of normal mouse position)
In its current state, this sample does not resolve all issues related to using eye input for game control. Since eye gaze can jump from one corner of a screen to the opposite in a very short time, special input handling may be needed. The Eye Tribe encourages developers to improve the overall experience by introducing they own solutions to these issues.
The following files from the original sample have been modified. Changes to the original script files are tagged with /* @TheEyeTribe */
- ./Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerMovement.cs
- ./Assets/Scripts/Player/PlayerShooting.cs
The following scripts were added to the sample:
- ./Assets/TheEyeTribe/EyeTribeUnityScript.cs
- ./Assets/TheEyeTribe/GazeDataValidator.cs
- ./Assets/TheEyeTribe/UnityGazeUtils.cs
- ./Assets/TheEyeTribe/CalibCamera.cs
The EyeTribeUnityScript was attached top the Main Camera of the game scene.
Minor change in Build Settings was required to use EyeTribe C# SDK. Player Settings -> Windows -> Other Setting -> Api Compatibility Level must be set to .NET 2.0
This sample has been developed in Unity 4.6 and uses the EyeTribe C# SDK.
To build, open project in Unity and build for Windows OS or Mac OSX.
Note that the EyeTribe Server currently supports Windows 7 and newer as well as Mac OSX 10.8 and never. Support for other platforms will be added in the future.
Should question arise, do not hesitate to post them on The Eye Tribe Forum.
0.9.49 (2014-12-12)
- Initial release