An Ansible Role that installs Logstash Forwarder on RedHat/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu.
Note: This role is well-tested on Debian/Ubuntu, but is still undergoing development for RedHat/CentOS. You've been warned!
Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml
logstash_forwarder_logstash_server: localhost
logstash_forwarder_logstash_server_port: 5000
The central Logstash server/port to which logstash-forwarder should connect.
logstash_ssl_dir: /etc/pki/logstash
logstash_forwarder_ssl_certificate_file: logstash-forwarder-example.crt
The location and filename of the SSL certificate logstash-forwarder will use to authenticate to the logstash server. For the logstash_forwarder_ssl_certificate_file
, you can provide a path relative to the role directory, or an absolute path to the file.
- paths:
- /var/log/messages
- /var/log/auth.log
type: syslog
Configuration of files monitored by logstash-forwarder. You can add more sets of files by adding to the list with another set of files; see defaults/main.yml
for an example.
- hosts: all
- { role: geerlingguy.logstash-forwarder }
This role was created in 2014 by Jeff Geerling, author of Ansible for DevOps.