- Copy and configure your environment variables (see definition below):
cp .env.example .env
export $(cat .env | xargs)
- Build and start stack (Postgres & User API)
make stack-up
or manually run in this order:
make images
make create-db
make migrate-db
make create-api
When using Rancher the container names are named differently. The container id's specified in the Makefile can easily be replaced doing a ('r-Default_userapi_1' specifying the existing name):
sed -i 's/user_api/r-Default_userapi_1/g' Makefile
Address is
CC_ENV - Defines environment to decide which commands are run in entrypoint [dev,test,prod]
CC_DBHOST - Name of database host (should be PG docker link name)
CC_DBNAME - Name of the postgres DB
CC_DBUSER - Name of the postgres user
CC_DBPASS - Password of the user
CC_DBADDRESS - Address of the postgres service
CC_JWTSIGN - A secret string to sign JWT
CC_SENDGRID_APIKEY - The key of the SendGrid account
CC_SENDGRID_TEMPLATE_CONFIRM - The template id for confirmation emails, must have a subtitution param named link
CC_SENDGRID_TEMPLATE_RESET - The template id for reset passwords, must have a subtitution param named link
CC_CONFIRMATION_MAIL - The email used as sender by SendGrid
CC_SERVER_HOST - Host used to create the URL
POST /user // Add a new user
POST /user/login // User login
GET /user/logout // Logout from current session
GET /user/logoutall // Logout user from all sessions
DELETE /user // Delete user
PUT /user // Update user (name or email)
PUT /user/answers // Update user answers
PUT /user/location // Set user location (city, county, state, country)
POST /user/reset/req // Request a password reset -> send email to user
POST /user/reset // Confirm newly set password
GET /user/leaders // Return leaders (paginated)
GET /user/locations // Return available locations
GET /user/passreset // Show password reset page
GET /user/confirm // Confirm the email account of the users
success: true,
data: ...
success: false,
message: “{field: error-code}”
POST /user
"first_name": "Juan",
"last_name" : "Perez",
"email" : "[email protected]",
"password": "juanito",
"city": "Austin",
"county": "Hays",
"state": "Texas",
"country": "us",
"public": true
Validation on the fields:
"first_name" : required and min size 4
"last_name" : required and min size 4
"password" : required and min size 4
"email" : required and must math format regex
POST /user/login
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "johnyboy"
If successful returns:
"success": true,
"data": {
"answers": "eyJDTzIiOiAibG90cyIsICJjaXR5IjogIkdETCIsICJtb25leSI6ICJub25lIn0=",
"name": "John",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0Njc2Nzc4OTEsImlhdCI6MTQ2NjQ2ODI5MSwiaWQiOjY4LCJqdGkiOiJWZE44MyJ9.u-QfbyuieTRyiuqYIbxb01F0I1qdNUamQY4yMItrMhU",
PUT /user
HTTP Headers:
Authorization: <token>
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "juanito"
PUT /user/answers
HTTP Headers:
Authorization: <token>
"answers":{"result_food_total": "5", "result_housing_total": "6", "result_services_total": "3", "result_goods_total": "4", "result_transport_total": "8", "result_grand_total": "26"}
PUT /user/location
HTTP Headers:
Authorization: <token>
"city":"Brooklyn","county":"Kings","state":"New York","country":"us"
GET /user/leaders
limit: 20, offset: 0, category: "Footprint", city: "", state: ""
GET /user/locations