A [Giter8][g8] template for Akka HTTP in a docker image
- JDK 8
- sbt 1.1.1 or higher
- Docker
- Latest version of the libraries (akka, scala, spec2 json4s)
- Json4s library with native backend
- Spec2 for the test with an example API spec
- Scalariform formatting according to Scala Style Guide
- Optimized dockerization using alpine with openjdk8 (image is ~120MB)
- Slf4j, TypesafeConfig and sbt revolver for code hot reloading
- Example graylog_gelf configuration (disabled by default)
Open a console and run the following command to apply this template:
sbt -Dsbt.version=1.1.1 new https://github.com/araspitzu/akka-http-docker.g8
This template will prompt for the following parameters. Press Enter
if the default values suit you:
: Becomes the name of the project.scala_version
: Specifies the Scala version for this project.akka_http_version
: Specifies which version of Akka HTTP should be used for this project.akka_version
: Specifies which version of Akka should be used for this project.json4sVersion
: Specifies which version of Json4s should should be used for this project.organization
: Specifies the organization for this project.
To publish the docker image of the template you can cd
into the name
folder and run
docker build -t your_project_name .
the resulting image will have version tag 0.0.1 appended
Verify the image has been published with:
docker image ls
To run the example webserver execute:
docker run --rm -p8080:8080 <project_name>:0.0.1
Check its functioning with:
curl localhost:8080/hello/your_name